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Registered: 05/27/15
Posts: 2
Hello Geeklog Team,

Mandatory shout out: GL Dev team, much love for all your work on Geeklog; best CMS I've ever had the pleasure of making use of, period.

Now, my question is in regards to Geeklog v2.1.0 and it's use of JavaScript. Specifically, I'd like to know if there are any security implications associated with discarding all javascript from the core and forum of the CMS? It's understood that some functionality is lost (like configuration panel), however my users care more for secure functionality than flair.

Many thanks,

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Registered: 09/27/05
Posts: 1475
There should not be any security implications by disabling JavaScript. JavaScript is used by the configuration (as you already pointed out) along with the advanced editors, file manager, tooltips and the story editor has a date picker.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.