From the old english documentation
If you already have a pemission of staticpages.PHP, please read from 3.
1. Login your geeklog site as admin and click 'group' of admin menu.
2. Edit 'static page admin' and check 'staticpages.PHP' to make PHP enable in static pages.
3. Go to 'staticpage' admin menu.
4. Click 'Creat New' and make a new staticpage with id:formmail. Copy staticpages_formmail_en.php and paste it in textarea. Uncheck 'In a block' box and save with 'execute php' option.
5. upload /images directory and files in it by FTP at public_html/images/ and vendor to public_html/vendor/
6. Add css, footer and header to your theme.
7. try to access yoursite/staticpages/index.php?page=formmail
I'm available to customise your themes or plugins for your Geeklog CMS