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Ok, I've got gallery installed and integrated into geeklog. After I log into geeklog, then go to my gallery directory, I have the option to add a new album. When I click on that link, I get this error Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /gallery/classes/User.php on line 155 Yes, my username has root in geeklog permissions.


I was constantly having errors with gallery after I wrapped it in geeklog. I noticed that when I would click on a link to gallery that I created in a block in geeklog, the url did not have the www. Since I have the url for the site including the www in the config file for geeklog, I looked at the config file for gallery, and it did not have www, so I added it. Now gallery/geeklog are playing nicely together for me.

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You need to set $GALLERY_BASEDIR Not sure if I missed a step or what but I hardcoded it and it worked. However, then it would break all references to pixel_trans.gif because $GALLERY_BASEDIR is a filesystem path and NOT a url. to fix that I removed all $GALLERY_BASEDIR references from pixel_trans.gif and just put <img src="images/pixel_trans.gif">
The reason people blame things on previous generations is that there's only one other choice.

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OK - I've followed the instructions in the zip file, but when I go to launch my gallery, I get the following errors: Parse error: parse error in /var/geeklog/public_html/gallery/init.php on line 172 Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: albumdb in /var/geeklog/public_html/gallery/albums.php on line 34 I'm using Geeklog 1.3.5, Gallery 1.2.5, and PHP4.1.2. What am I missing?


I've got the same error, if you figure it out, could you email me at admin@isol8.org

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The gallery version was not noted in the original posting but in subsequent replies, gallery v1.2.5 is noted by other users. I have gallery v1.2.5 gallery integrated and there are several postings on this site with step by step directions. The posting last week by Jameson is the most recent and nicely documented. I've been working to integrate the latest release of gallery version 1.3 Release Candidate 3 with Geeklog 1.3.5. Following the same integration instructions. I can get it to mostly work. Logged in as admin oer equivelent user, I can view the albums with geeklog wrapped left and right blocks and perform all operations except selecting album permissions. Nothing works when not logged in or logged in as a non-admin user, I wil get the following Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /gallery-1.3/classes/Album.php on line 1032 I have posted this problem in the Gallery developers newsgroup and Adrian will be looking into it in the coming days/weeks... Meanwhile, please post your results and efforts here. Cheers, Blaine

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The current postings and documents for integrating Gallery with Geeklog are for Gallery version 1.2.5. As noted in my previous post, I was running into a probklem.

That has now been solved and I have Gallery 1.3 working nicely. A new Class Property was added to the object Gallery_UserDB which the Geeklog_UserDB object inherits. You now need to also define the propery this->loggedIn

I've modified Jameson's nicely documented package - included the updated UserDB.php file. You can download it here

Follow all the same directions or look at the one line change in the UserDB.php file if you have already started to integrate Gallery 1.3




Argh - I get the following error after following the instructions:

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: loggedinuser in /path_to_geeklog_public_html/gallery/classes/geeklog/UserDB.php on line 50

Changed the path to protect my account Wink Line 50 of UserDB.php is:

$this->loggedIn = new LoggedInUser();

Which appears to be the bit for 1.3 Gallery modification - stuck now, anyone got any ideas? Have I done something silly? Wink

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Hum.. I can create this same error by making a typo in the name of the class LoggedInUser. The error is indicating it does not know this name. This class is inherited from classes/gallery/UserDB.php - check that it exists there. When are you seeing this error: 1) as a logged in user - do anything 2) as a logged in user - do only somethings 3) as a non logged in user - do anything Try repeating the steps or from a fresh install to eliminate any fat finger tricks Blaine


Cheers Blaine, It was on a fresh install of Geeklog 1.3rc3 and any files included in the zip I just copied over - but I'll start from scratch and see where I buggered it up Wink Thanks for the quick response Smile

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Found another required change for Gallery 1.3 and Geeklog 1.3.5. The new template style requires a change to the wrapper.footer file that displays the right blocks. The original code will not generate any errors but you will see a formatting problem with the Clean Template which is the only one that uses a different background color for the center table colume (frame). The required code is far simpler and is the same snipit of code as used in the file geeklog/public_html/index.php - end of file, to display the right blocks. I've updated the zip file with the new wrapper.footer file - available at the link in my previous post. Blaine

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OK, I followed the instructions to a T in the zip file, and here's what I get: Parse error: parse error in /var/geeklog/public_html/gallery/init.php on line 172 Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: albumdb in /var/geeklog/public_html/gallery/albums.php on line 34 This error seems to be an old one, but no one's posted how to get rid of it. Obviously, if someone's gotten it to work, someone's gotten past this issue. So what do I do?


I'm no PHP coder unfortunately - but I got around this error by editing the files which formerly contained "" and replaced the line with the full path to lib-common.php rather than having something like: '' . '/lib-common.php' With: '/home/blah/public_html/lib-common.php' That said - I've still not got it working properly Wink Although I've not had time to go through it all again following efarmboy's extra directions...

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Which line of code in init.php is line#172 - our files don't line up. And I don't want to have to guess and trace a number of possiblities.

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Line 172 of /var/geeklog/public_html/gallery/init.php: require_once( . '/lib-common.php'); Line 34 of /var/geeklog/public_html/gallery/albums.php: &#36;albumDB = new AlbumDB();

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That did nothing, sorry...

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You will need to define the full path to the geeklog's lib-common.php. I have this statement at the top of my gallery init.php file with the other "require" stmts - line 56 in my case. I have defined a variable called $GEEKLOG_DIR in the gallery config.php file. Last line, right after the define for $GALLERY_EMBEDDED_INSIDE So the statement in my gallery init.php looks like: require_once ($GEEKLOG_DIR . "/public_html/lib-common.php"Wink; Blaine

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Well, the other errors are gone, but now it's complaining about this: Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: geeklog_userdb in /var/geeklog/public_html/gallery.int/init.php on line 185 Which is... $gallery->userDB = new Geeklog_UserDB;

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Can you check a few things: 1) The new UserDB.php and User.php files are in the directory gallery/classes/geeklog 2) Your directory and files are accessible by your webserver. Verify or open up access to all files and directories. 3) Have you modified the path at the top of the UserDB.php and User.php files for the Require_once stmt to read in the geeklog lib-common.php file. The full path is required. 4) Do you get this error logged in as a user admin and non user 5) Delete all cookies to your browser, close down all browsers and retry the site login again.

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Well, I'm not 100% sure what I did, but I got it working. Thanks. Smile Just for the record, http://www.donbecker.org/gallery

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