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How to add alt tags to pictures

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I want to add alt tags to all pictures

can you help please

how can i do that

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I use pictures on my site, placing them with-in a table, it looks like this
Text Formatted Code
<td align="center"><img src="path to picture.jpg" alt="alt tag here" border="0" width="101" height="138"></td>

it works well for me on static pages. (This is not the entire code for using a table - just a sample)


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can i just use

&lt;p align=&quot;justify&quot;&gt;[image1_left] alt=&quot;alt tag here&quot;&gt;

because i use differentr system not pic src

so is this fine enough

it didn't work, you can check my website , first featured article, i can see the alt tag and text

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For the uploaded images, Geeklog will always set an empty alt attribute, i.e. alt=""

bye, Dirk

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Quote by Dirk: For the uploaded images, Geeklog will always set an empty alt attribute, i.e. alt=""

bye, Dirk

but how to change that??

i need to change that urgently

before i had src now i have image1....

do i have to switch back???

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Quote by garfy: but how to change that??

There is no easy way to change that.

bye, Dirk

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there is, i used php my admin and edit the stories in database

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Pfff, and you call that 'an easy way'?
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You can also use the FCKeditor with new to come GL 1.4.0

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whyt is fck editor

i think they should really add alt tag window in next update when you post a story


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Well everybody needs other features. The FCKeditor is a good choice for more formating also captions.

On the orher hand I wonder if there couldn't be an automatic giving the alt and title tag the same name as the picture?

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I get the feeling that Dirk doesn't think it's all that important cuz people haven't been asking for it, but I have to agree that alt's with my pictures are a good thing.

I recognize that not everyone browsing the web has sight or a graphical browser; not to mention alt is a required part of the HTML 4.01 and XHTML specs!

Not a criticism at all Dirk, but I've been using Geeklog for a while, haven't asked for alt tags, but thought you might like to know there are silent ones out here who do want them!


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I do understand the importance of 'alt' also perhaps for trouble shooting but would that require another input field in the editor or could 'alt' and 'title' be identical with the file name of the pic?

In that case it might be quite easy to do. And on the other hand have you tried the FCKeditor?

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First of all: It's the alt attribute. There's no such thing as an alt "tag" (sorry, pet peeve).

Secondly, Geeklog uses an alt attribute for uploaded images - it's empty, i.e. alt="". That's the recommended value for images that are only used for decorative purposes, so that's probably okay in most cases. At least it's valid HTML.

Most importantly, though, we have a bit of a technical problem here since Geeklog is translating its special imageX tags into HTML img tags when you save the story, and back again when you edit it. So this works differently from autotags (which were only introduced later).

So, garfy, you may be in for a surprise when you edit those stories where you added an alt text in the database. Not sure what the parser will do with those or if it even recognizes the img tags any more then.

Then there's also the question of syntax: How do you add the alt text to Geeklog's imageX tags? What if someone then wants support for the title attribute, too? Here's one suggestion.

To summarize: There's bunch of open questions and technical issues around what is basically only a "nice to have" feature, so it isn't/wasn't exactly a top priority ...

bye, Dirk

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but how do you use that

Then there's also the question of syntax: How do you add the alt text to Geeklog's imageX tags? What if someone then wants support for the title attribute, too? Here's one suggestion.

i can not set this thing correctly, do i have to alter the code

if i try to put like

[image1_left:descriptionofpicture] that is not working

how to use alt attrib like that Dirk

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Quote by garfy: but how do you use that

You don't. That was only a suggestion by ByteEnable who apparently made a hack for it (but didn't publish it, AFAIK).

My above post was trying to explain why there's no such thing yet.

bye, Dirk

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Ben, just an example. You have a story on your page "Kaity (My Neice)": http://benjudson.com/article.php?story=20060129183829592

What alt attribute could you possibly want? Anything that says "pic of Kaity 1" in case there is a pic missing or people really access it with a text only browser and of course (and that is MY argument) it is also better for search engines.

The same will be true for the title attribute, if wanted. Anything else doesn`t really make sense, does it? Well, you don`t want more information to read in the alt atribute than to be seen on the pic. It may be different though with the title attribute.

Up to now it is so that if you give the story the id "Kaity-My-Neice" instead of 20060129183829592 then also the pics get the file name Kaity-My-Neice_1 etc. This is a great thing and prove how well GL is desinged.

So again my question concerning my above idea to this is: Is it possible to display alt and title identical to the file name? It would help concerning the search engines, trouble shooting or the 1 user per year with a text browser.

It would not help if the title was suposed to be different from the pic as a sort of further leading explanation.

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Quote by 1000ideen: Ben, just an example. You have a story on your page "Kaity (My Neice)": http://benjudson.com/article.php?story=20060129183829592

What alt attribute could you possibly want?

That is probably a bad example; there are some other posts (posted by my sister shannon) where she has different members of her family other than Kaity. Ideally an alt attribute ;-) would indicate the names of the people left to right.

Or the pictures that are posted from my trip to Lotusphere might indicate what the picture was, or the day it was taken. For the most part all of this can be indicated below the pic; and no it's definitely not a high priority for me. Just a nice to have kinda thing.

As for the using the title where the pic is; you could probably (I might try here if I get a spare minute or two) hack the parser that parses the [image1] tages (like Dirk said), and cause it to put the title in the place of the alt tag. It would be good with Search Engines and such as 1000ideen mentioned.

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I think it would be a very userfriendly way to inplant sutch a thing when you use a sintax like [image_X|alt:alt text|title:title for the image], I don't think it would be hard to make a praser that fills in an empty alt atribute when it is not specified in the tag.

If it's to hard to implant it in Geeklog, then there's always an option to make a plugin that could do it using autotags.

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Well I just checked again with GL 1.4.0rc2. The included FCKeditor handles alt, title etc. Just if you want a quick solution.

I don't think it would be hard to make a praser that fills in an empty alt atribute when it is not specified in the tag.

If not specified I`d prefer the alt and title to be identical with the file name.

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