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Adding Geeklog content to an external webpage

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Chaos Creator

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Okay, I'm pretty new to php and geeklog, so please bear with me.

I'm setting up my website so that each subdomain runs a seperate install of Geeklog. There is a main index page that I would like to display the latest posts from each subdomain on. Would I do this with an RSS feed from each subdomain? Or is there a plug-in I need?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Why do they need to be separate installs of Geeklog? With GL permissions you can easily have one set of users who never see anything the other set of users sees. You can nearly have two "Administrators" who can only see half the website.

Chaos Creator

Yeah, I've reconfigured my whole heirarchy, and I am now running just one install.

One problem. When I try to edit the config.php file, and upload it, my geeklog spits a bunch of crappy output. Does config.php have to be a specific size or anything? I've made some simple changes, and it still does it.

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Chaos Creator

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I have 6 different sections to my website. I want to be able to display the latest posted content from each section on the index page. Not being able to do this and the fact that every time I edit the installed conig.php file a tiny bit, it freaks out have really kind of put me off the whole CMS thing...

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Quote by: Chaos Creator

Yeah, I've reconfigured my whole heirarchy, and I am now running just one install.

One problem. When I try to edit the config.php file, and upload it, my geeklog spits a bunch of crappy output. Does config.php have to be a specific size or anything? I've made some simple changes, and it still does it.

Make sure there are no extra spaces after the ?> at the end of your config.php (Or before the <?php).

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What editor are you using? What are the changes you do to the config.php?

What is the "latest posted content" is that the last story? Did you try to switch it to "show on front page"?


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Quote by: 1000ideen

What editor are you using? What are the changes you do to the config.php?

What is the "latest posted content" is that the last story? Did you try to switch it to "show on front page"?

I changed the site slogan, the number of stories per page, made it to where users had to login to view content, and one or two other minor changes. Nothing that should cause it to do what it does. I checked all the tags, and everything looks good. There's no extra white space anywhere or anything.

Next question: Is there any way to use one style sheet on one section and another style sheet on a different section? Without editing the template pages, I mean. Editing those usually cause some kind of crazy output as well.

And I use Taco Edit on my Mac 10.3 to edit all my html, css, php, etc.

The content is the latest story posted in the section. I want a page with just my logo, copyright info, the latest content arranged in 6 different blocks by 2 rows of 3, and my links to different sections.

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Chaos Creator

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Okay, I've done a little more reading and found that I can do what I need to do with the centerblocks thing. But now, the problem is that I can't edit the groups that I need to. When I try to go through my admin panel to the groups section, it says there's a SQL error. And I know everything is installed correctly.
I know I can do it through the config.php file, too, but with the problems I had with it last time, I'm afraid to edit the config file at all.

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I think it would be good to find out what causes the problems with config.php. Do a step by step change untill the problems arise.
I don`t know about the editor nor ftp or unpack programmes within Mac but there could be problems anywhere.
No you cannot edit groups in the config.php.

Yes you can have a separate CSS with every topic if you build a php switch in the header.

Text Formatted Code
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=
global $_CONF, $topic;
if ($topic == 'TopicA'){print $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/topicA.css';}
 else {print $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/style.css';}?>

You can have the last posting of each topic on the front page, it is a problem to make 2 rows but I`m sure it can be solved somehow.

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Chaos Creator

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w00t! I edited my config.php file with no errors! I'd still like to be able to use two style sheets somehow. I'm working on the centerblock now.

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Chaos Creator

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Excellent. Thanks for the tip. Things are looking up, now. I'll surely have more questions.

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Chaos Creator

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Well, it didn't take long, but I have another question. How can I edit groups without use of the admin cp? My Groups section just keeps giving the SQL error.

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debug the error, use $_CONF['rootdebug'] = true; in config.php and look at error.log

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"Fri 15 Feb 2008 02:21:02 EET - 1054: Unknown column 'grp_gl_core' in 'where clause'. SQL in question: SELECT * FROM ge_groups WHERE (grp_gl_core = 0 OR grp_id in (2,13)) "

So something's wrong in the database? Or is it a bad query?

Also, I tried to set a centerblock before the PHP was enabled, and now I can't see anything in the center section. None of my admin options show up either...

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Is this an upgrade from an older version of Geeklog? A new install should not have any problems with that field.

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Chaos Creator

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It's an install provided by my web host. I think it's 1.4.1. Should I try to get an install and do it myself?

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Yes. Always install software yourself, not just Geeklog. You never know what a webhost has done if they install it and they aren't going to support you if you have problems.

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Chaos Creator

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I can't SSH into the host to install it. Great.

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Chaos Creator

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Great. I can't manage my plugins, either.

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As Joe said, that error shouldn't happen on a fresh install. We have no control over what those autoinstallers include in their packages - it's possible that their package is faulty.

And you don't need ssh access to install Geeklog (although it can be more convenient that way). ftp will do just fine - you only need to remember to edit config.php and lib-common.php before you upload them.

bye, Dirk

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