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How to add alt tags to pictures

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so the problem is solved, we just have to update to 1,4 version of geeklog

when it is bug free
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Quote by 1000ideen: Well I just checked again with GL 1.4.0rc2. The included FCKeditor handles alt, title etc. Just if you want a quick solution.

I am running 1.4.0rc2 and I don't see where it handles the alt attribute.

Generic FCKeditor might do this, but Geeklog uses the [image1] tags to identify the images. How do you specify an alt and title attribute? Yes if I upload the file manually and link to it with an >img< tag that would work; but I could always do that. I want to be able to use geeklogs built in image tags. :-)

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FCKed, full window, insert pic, search server, at the bottom search a pic from your PC, upload aaaand - get stuck. O.k. but it should be this way I thought.

Anyway it would only be a
quick solution
as I said. It is not the one you`d like to see.

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Quote by 1000ideen: FCKed, full window, insert pic, search server, at the bottom search a pic from your PC, upload aaaand - get stuck.

Kewl. Nope thats a perfectly good work around. I really don't like that editor mind you (and didn't see the option before because I wasn't going full screen).


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Just one more thought on that from the aspect of SEO:

I was looking for a picture of a man wearing headphones and put into google "man headphone" The result is very interesting.

Look at the source code of this! It shows clearly how important dynamic meta tags are, also for Geeklog please!!! To my surprise there are no alt attributes. http://www.fotosearch.com/CRT278/15320-04il/

The next interesting one was this:
There is the word headphone in the img "images/babywithheadphones.jpg" and in the alt "Baby with man-sized headphones." The word "headphone" does not turn up in the text at all. This shows the possible importance of alt attributes.

One more. This one shows the word "headphone" only in the alt attributes! Now it`s for sure, concerning SEO the alt is very important.

So my question is: Is it difficult to display alt and title attribute identical to the file name IF the pic has been uploaded through the GL automatic tagging?

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Quote by 1000ideen: So my question is: Is it difficult to display alt and title attribute identical to the file name IF the pic has been uploaded through the GL automatic tagging?

That shouldn't be too much to implement yourself. If your going to go to the effort then you may as well do things like convert _ (underscore) characters to spaces... that kind of thing to make it useful.

And I didn't read all of your reasons for wanting ALT & TITLE tags but you did say something about helping your search engine rankings...
Don't forget the heart of the matter though. If a website only had a picture of a baby with headphones and that was all... Then someone searching for headphones would not be interested in that page. If search engines always worked that way then EVERYONE would think that Google sucks, instead of just miicrosoft hating them.

my Just my two cents

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Quote by rasher: Don't forget the heart of the matter though. If a website only had a picture of a baby with headphones and that was all... Then someone searching for headphones would not be interested in that page. If search engines always worked that way then EVERYONE would think that Google sucks, instead of just miicrosoft hating them.

Not so; anyone who has been on the lookout for artwork, or clipart etc; has probably used Google Images to find these things. A picture might talk about the article (Some singer singing for instance), and the alt tag would describe the picture, including a baby wearing headphones!

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I think I hear your point. However in my experiences with Google images, I've found that it does parse the filename. It understands that underscores separate words etc.

So for this reason wouldn't it be just as easy to name you image file accordingly? And if so, wouldn't the ALT and TITLE attributes be redundant?

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Thanks all for this lively discussion on a at first dry appearing topic Very Happy

@rusher: You are right that one should have a propper website and should not lure people to nothing useful.

Well, if you follow the links I supplied and study the source code you will see that the word headphone turns up in various places. One of them was the alt attribute only. ( This here: http://www.rnib.org.uk/xpedio/groups/public/documents/visugate/public_nbjun71.hcsp ) So far I could not prove that the title attribute is important but I assume as it is always in connection with a pic that it too is important.

I found that the name of the pic file or alt attribute is definitely NOT the only thing that makes a site have a good ranking even when looking for a pic at google.

BUT I think that we neglect the alt and also title attribute much too much.

When I discovered through the great V Stats or now GUS plugin that people came to my site because of my pic files I got interested in that. I tend to give my stories a propper name rather than the automatic ID and then also the pic file get this name.

This was the reason some people found me!

How do I use it? Well, when I search for a holiday place and just want a pic or when I want to know about a person and want to see pics. Try something like "Spiritual Teacher", a person you`d probably chose because of what he or she writes and also by what impression the person makes in general.

I'm loughing tears right now, believe me! Did you know what variety of a spiritual teachers there is?

And this one is special: an "intuitive astrologer". It was definitely not in her. alt attribute. http://www.kelleyrosano.com/about.html

Just to clarify, I`m loughing about MY idea of what a I expected a spiritual teacher to look like and the variety I found. I am not loughing about the people.

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All good points. I guess the moral of the story is that no attribute is insignificant.

Speaking of a good laugh, try searching images for "snake oil". Laughing

I haven't read this whole thread so I'm not sure if someone has an immediate need or if this is just an interesting discussion. But if I had a request like this from a client I would consider using the Media Gallery plugin. I'm not sure if the feature is complete yet but if not it will be in a few days...

With the MG plugin you can link albums, photos and slideshows into your story from Media Gallery. Also you can have a caption shown below the image. The guy that created the plugin is very responsive and open to suggestions. So if he doesn't already, you could request that the caption also shows up in the TITLE attribute and then maybe parse out the file name nicely for the ALT. That way you would have the best of both worlds.

Now off to find a spiritual programmer... Smile

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Quote by rasher:So for this reason wouldn't it be just as easy to name you image file accordingly? And if so, wouldn't the ALT and TITLE attributes be redundant?

Geeklog renames my pictures to the storyid followed by an underscore and the picture #. So what I name the pic becomes irrelevant. Yes I could name the story something useful, but that limits me as to what I can write, and really just one picture if i want accurate results. ;-)

The FCKEditor solution is still the best solution to this problem so far; but it begs the question that if the FCKEditor can add an alt attribute why can't the basic editor do it with an extra textbox in the submit form per image?

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Oh ya, good point... I forgot about the image name deal, I've been working with plugins too much lately. Yep what I had mentioned is irrelevant aside from perhaps the plugin solution.

Speaking of which. I would imagine the reason why it's not available as a field in Geeklog is because this wheel hasn't squeaked enough yet. Like anything, they (the developers) try to address the concerns of the masses first. And the masses are so massive that they can only do so much at a time.

A thread like this is just the way to bring attention to wanted feature. From the few posts I've read in this thread, there are some pretty strong arguments to justify this feature. I'd say you guys have done a good job justifying it. Now you just need to write a plugin or obviously DIY if you're up to it.

I would also be willing to bet that if someone wrote a plugin first and ironed out the details... well then it would be cake for the developers to ultimately fold it into Geeklog.

I'm starting to thing I should have read more posts. I didn't mean to come in hear and start beating a poor dead horse. So I'll duck out now before I start quoting some more features that never existed...
I'm also going to have to look into this FCKEditor you speak of. That's how disconnected I am, I have no idea what it does.

Take it easy guys, happy Friday,

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So I'll duck out now before I start quoting some more features that never existed...

Yea, that`s the sign, that`s the sign! Throw a blanket over your head and speak of features that never existed. We will make you our leader! Big Celebration

The Guitar Master


I couldn't find a definitive answer to this question anywhere, so here is my solution:

Option 1: Enable fckeditor in your config.php by changing
Text Formatted Code
$_CONF['advanced_editor'] = true;

Option 2: Add the following line to your config.php in the admin_html section

Text Formatted Code
   'img'   => array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'align' => 1, 'src' => 1, 'width' => 1, 'height' => 1, 'alt' => 1),

If it is the last line of the array then you want to remove the last comma. If it is not the last line then leave the trailing comma in. The bottom line should have no comma, and every other line should have one. eg:

Text Formatted Code
$_CONF['admin_html'] = array (
    'p'     => array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'align' => 1),
    'div'   => array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1),
    'span'  => array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1),
    'table' => array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'width' => 1, 'border' => 1,
                     'cellspacing' => 1, 'cellpadding' => 1),
    'tr'    => array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'align' => 1, 'valign' => 1),
    'th'    => array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'align' => 1, 'valign' => 1,
                     'colspan' => 1, 'rowspan' => 1),
    'td'    => array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'align' => 1, 'valign' => 1,
                     'colspan' => 1, 'rowspan' => 1),
    'img'   => array('class' => 1, 'id' => 1, 'align' => 1, 'src' => 1, 'width' => 1, 'height' => 1, 'alt' => 1)


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