Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, December 21 2024 @ 01:10 pm EST

Geeklog Forums

A bit o' customizin'


I was wanderin if anyone could tell me how to a) change the MAXCHAR parameter for new users so they can have longer nicknames & b) ive noticed that when messages are displayed at the top its always somepageusuallyindex.php?msg=number and i noticed that some of the numbers had no message assigned to them so i was wanderin how could i add my own? cheers Smile

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
The database limits the length of a username to 16 characters. So you would have to change that and then find all the places where you could enter a username and change the max. length of the input fields as well ... I don't understand your second question. Are you referring to the story id? You can't "make your own" story id (and it wouldn't make sense anyway). When a new story is created, the function COM_makesid (in lib-common.php) is called which creates a story id out of the current day and time plus a random number. bye, Dirk

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