Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Wednesday, December 25 2024 @ 08:37 pm EST
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Ban plugin 1.0.1
Thanks in advance
The latest ban plugin I can find is 1.0, where is 1.0.1
Just tried installing this on a new install of geeklog and it didn't work no error message nothing. I checked into it and noticed it accesses form variables directly and not with $_REQUEST so global variables need to be on. This doesn't work in my situation as I like having global variables off. I have been running the ban plugin on other sites for a while now thinking it was working!
Is TomW (ban plugin author around anymore) or has someone updated the ban plugin for registered globals to be off, maybe this is 1.0.1? If not I can do it since it's not very big but I rather release it as a new version of the ban plugin and not as a brand new plugin.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.
I'll upload the 1.0.2 ban plugin to geeklog.
jmucchiello, I emailed you back a while ago regarding testing the new version of the autotag plugin, did you get it?
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.
I went ahead and updated the ban plugin. It was failing on any page that required user input (install,adding, logfile). As far as I can tell after a quick look everything else worked. If your ban table contained data before switching to registered globals off it still banned those ips, you just couldn't delete or add new ones.
I'll upload the 1.0.2 ban plugin to geeklog.
Laugh, did you ever upload the updated Ban plugin?
IRONMAX - opps, I'll upload the ban plugin now.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.
IRONMAX - opps, I'll upload the ban plugin now.
Thanx for the update...works like its supposed to now.
Would help if I read the regex better. You have to excape the periods with a backslash.
Example: www.example.com should read as www\.example\.com
I don't know if this is isolated or not. Anyways, I have noticed in the updated version that the Ban plugin seems to not block the referrals when the site name that it refers to is put in the system. Also the logging does not seem to record that fact either. Anyone else having this issue?
Would help if I read the regex better. You have to excape the periods with a backslash.
Example: www.example.com should read as www.example.com
Okay...so my original message stands. There still seems to be a problem. The referrers that I put in are still coming back to my site and and leaving referral links in the referrer area listed in GUS. Any ideas? Dirk, login and have a look to verify what I mean. Look at the 10:45am entry.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.
function BAN_check()
$result = DB_Query("SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES['ban']}",1);
$nrows = DB_numRows( $result );
for( $i = 1; $i <= $nrows; $i++ ) {
$A = DB_fetchArray($result);
if (eregi($A['data'],$$A['bantype'])) {
if ($_BAN_log) {
BAN_Log('Access Banned because ' . $$A['bantype'] . " matches {$A['data']}");
if ($_BAN_page != '') {
echo COM_refresh($_BAN_page);
} else {
The code doesn't even refer to the remote IP plus for some reason it is trying to compare the banned ips in the db with the current records ban type??
Plus the ban type variable has a double $$.
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.
Plus the ban type variable has a double $$.
Calm. That is the magic of the code. I have never ever looked at the ban plugin but I will bet that the "bantype" column in the ban table is supposed to contain one of the following strings: HTTP_USER_AGENT, REMOTE_ADDR, HTTP_REFERER, or SCRIPT_NAME.
The magic eregi line look at the variable contained in the variable name by $A['bantype'] and that's why there are 2 dollar signs.
So if the ban table has a record where data = '^192\.168\.' and bantype = 'REMOTE_ADDR' than anyone connecting with a remote_addr starting 192.168 will be stopped by that record.
Get it?
I've uploaded Ban Plugin Ver. 1.0.3
One of the Geeklog Core Developers.
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