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Construction theme for geeklog

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Registered: 11/24/09
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Wanted to know the site where full training format has been
Geeklog theme for the manufacturing methods and easily be decomposed to express. For example, Which part do I begin
Thanks! Big Grin

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Start with the documentation: Creating a Theme for Geeklog.

If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask them here.

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 11/24/09
Posts: 3
Thanks, your answer
I do this for the Persian-language content management and optimization are translated to
In terms of translation problems, but do little about the format was confusing.
Wanted to know the main format is designed template?
For example, the first format to the frontpeage design and put tags and then torn to block. Thtml heder.thtml and ...
Or the other is.

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Sorry, I'm having a bit of a problem understanding what you're asking. Could you try to rephrase your question?

The link I gave you (above) includes a description how the various .thtml files are put together to form the site (e.g. header.thtml includes leftblocks.thtml, which in turn includes the block templates, and so on). Did that not help?

Since you mentioned Persian: The language file (which one are you using?) should define the text direction. We do have a few issues on file, though, where the Professional theme is using hard-coded left alignments, which may not work nicely with languages that are written right-to-left, so you may need to fix those (check style.css).


bye, Dirk

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Registered: 11/24/09
Posts: 3
Hopefully I get to complete the project.
Another question this file config.php is where?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by: sadegh

Another question this file config.php is where?

It's no longer used. config.php used to contain Geeklog's configuration information, which has since been moved to the "Configuration" admin panel.

bye, Dirk

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