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Geeklog 1.8.1rc1

  • Sunday, September 11 2011 @ 02:40 pm EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 4,309

Geeklog 1.8.1 is a maintenance release and a recommended upgrade for Geeklog 1.8.0. The first release candidate is now available for download.

Geeklog 1.8.1 fixes a regression with the [code] and [raw] tags which didn't escape content properly in 1.8.0. This release also ships with jQuery 1.6.3, which fixes a possible XSS in that popular JavaScript library. To the best of our knowledge, this XSS did not affect Geeklog itself, but it may potentially exist with plugins that make extensive use of jQuery. For other changes, please see the documentation and the included ChangeLog.

Geeklog 1.8.1 does not introduce any changes in the language files (other than some updated or new translations), in the theme, or in the database. So upgrades from Geeklog 1.8.0 should be pretty straightforward.

Please help us test this release candidate so that we can release the final version soon. Thanks.

ImageManager plugin for FCKeditor

  • Tuesday, September 06 2011 @ 10:21 am EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 10,862

The imageManager can be used to upload, crop, resize and rotate images ('GD', 'IM', or 'NetPBM' library). The plugin can also replace images and watermark them.

Simply to install

1. Extract the archive to your public_html/fckeditor/editor/plugins directory
2. Edit the file 'public_html/fckeditor/editor/plugins/ImageManager/config.inc.php' to configure the plugin.
3. The language for the plugin and directEdit option can be set in its 'public_html/fckeditor/editor/plugins/ImageManager/fckplugin.js' file.
4. Add the plugin to your FCKeditor by opening you 'public_html/fckeditor/fckconfig.js' file. Near line 52 add the following statement: "FCKConfig.Plugins.Add('ImageManager');"
5. Update the 'public_html/fckeditor/myconfig.js' file by replacing 'Image' with 'ImageManager'
6. Done. Should the toolbar icon not appear, try to clear your browser's cache

Download ImageManager plugin 1.0

Forum Plugin v2.8.0 released

  • Friday, August 12 2011 @ 10:55 am EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 12,770

The Geeklog community members are proud to announce the release of the Forum plugin v2.8.0.

It is now available for download from: http://code.google.com/p/geeklog/downloads/detail?name=forum_2.8.0_1.6.0.tar.gz

This release brings many important changes, please read more below to view a summary of these changes.

We welcome new contributions, bug reports and feature request for the upcoming releases, so please visit our project site at http://code.google.com/p/geeklog/

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