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HTML5 theme for Geeklog 1.8.x

  • Wednesday, February 09 2011 @ 11:08 pm EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 7,008

Looking towards the future with the proper semantics in mind the HTML5 theme for Geeklog 1.8.x could very well be a step in the right direction.

Leveraging many of the techniques of Paul Irish's HTML5 Boilerplate this theme intends to usher geeklog theming into the future.

  • HTML5 semantics
  • CSS3 styling
  • No theme images
  • Javascript progressive enhancement
  • Quick loading - javascript migrated to the footer
  • Global onLoad queue
  • Many planned HTML5 features.
Try it out, and get more information and discussion here. {Should work w/ GL1.7.x}

New Geeklog Version Checker

  • Wednesday, January 19 2011 @ 02:35 pm EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 5,649

The version checker is the page that comes up when you click on the "GL Version Test" link from the Admin menu of your Geeklog site. It'll tell you whether your Geeklog install is still up to date - hence the name.

This page has always been a bit bland but then again, there wasn't really much it had to do or display. Still, there was this nagging feeling that it could be made to look nicer. And so we put this up as one of several tasks on OpenHatch. Rouslan Placella picked it up and delivered a shiny new version that has now gone live.

In addition to the all-important information whether or not you need to update your site, the new version also displays a nice visual timeline of the recent Geeklog release history, complete with a helpful "you are here" pointer. And all this is wrapped in a new and much nicer design.

Thanks, Rouslan! Nice work.

Paypal plugin 1.2 - Sell access to your content

  • Monday, January 03 2011 @ 12:44 pm EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 6,097

Paypal plugin now allows you to sell access to some of the content of your site or to establish management paying members of a club or association.

This new version 1.2 introduces a new type of product, subscritions. This feature allows you to create membership for one or several days, weeks, months or years. Users who subscribe online are automatically added to a group you specify. Group members can then access content reserved for them during the entire period of their membership. Once it is completed, the member is automatically removed from the group.

Many other new features are available with this release. Please refer to the wiki page for more details.

Download paypal plugin 1.2

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