Geeklog v2.2.0 To Be Released in the First Quarter of 2018
- Saturday, December 16 2017 @ 08:45 am EST
- Contributed by: Laugh
- Views: 8,926

We are hard at work on Geeklog v2.2.0 where we hope to see the final release late in the first quarter of 2018.
There are many exciting new features that will be included in Geeklog v2.2.0. These include:
- Two-Factor Authorization for User Accounts
- reCAPTCHA Plugin now included in Core and supports invisible CAPTCHA
- Automatic minifying and combining of JavaScript files and CSS files
- SPAM-X support for Akismet
- Support for UIKit v3 (including Denim theme)
- Plus many more and bug fixes as well...
Update (2018-04-08): We are hard at work on Geeklog v2.2.0 but the release is running a little late. We have added a few more features than planned which pushed things back. It will be out for sure by this summer.