Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, December 26 2024 @ 09:01 pm EST


Anonymous CVS working again

  • Thursday, May 13 2004 @ 03:30 am EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 5,984
Geeklog Anonymous CVS is now working again (Thanks, Tony), as are the nightly tarballs. Please note that the CVS root has changed, so that you either need to fix your local copy first or you'll have to check out everything fresh again.

Vinny has been doing a lot of optimisations recently and we'd like to hear some feedback on that, please. So if anyone is feeling adventurous, please have a go and try it out.

Important: The CVS version is currently not stable - it's working, but things like database tables may change without notice at any time. You really, really should not run this on a production site. Running CVS versions is for those who know exactly what they're doing - anyone else should really wait for the first Release Candidates (which are still a while away).

New Axonz Theme in Beta!

  • Saturday, April 10 2004 @ 07:42 pm EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 11,634
Geeklog Hey all, just wanted to give the GL community a heads-up, on a new theme brewin' over at axonz.com!

You can see how it's coming along at: www.axonz.com

Please feel free to comment on any layout bugs/browser issues or the color ;) - it's still in progress so there are bugs, I'm sure. A release will most likely come in a few days.

FYI - Prepare your retinas... hehe

Forum Version 2.3 Final Released

  • Friday, March 26 2004 @ 03:59 pm EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 18,069
Plugins After many months of development and four rounds of beta testing, I have released version 2.3 of the Forum Plugin. This version contains many new features and bug fixes and recommended that existing users upgrade their plugin.

I have included several themed versions of the templates and CSS in the download package. The install document includes directions to upgrade and details of the changes, bug fixes and new features.

Many thanks to all those that participated in the betas testing and provided feedback.

The new archive is available in the downloads area here or from my site www.portalparts.com

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