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Static HTML Help Pages

  • Saturday, May 31 2003 @ 06:45 pm EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 5,128
Geeklog This is something that's always bugged me...and yes I know I should probably submit a feature request.

Here's my complaints...First, all HTML help pages open in a blank window. Second, none of them are wrapped in GL. Third, none of them are searchable.

If I could make a suggestion...why not convert the static html help pages into true static pages via the SP plugin. You could then modify the various pages to link to the static pages. After all, you are now bundling the plugin with GL. So why not make use of it. The static help pages will also help those that are not familiar with the plugin. Of course... this is just one idea.

Is this a real community?

  • Sunday, May 25 2003 @ 08:31 pm EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 9,093
Geeklog Hi Geeks

Ok.. so 3 developers and myself, are still trying to decide on whether to go with GL. They have their techical issues, I have my feature and cultural issues. I thought I would share my.

1) How can Geeklog present itself as this geewhiz cool community, if it can't even mount a forum? You have a plug in. Why not use it? 90% of all board traffic at probably 50% of the sites on the planet are forum driven. So why is this tool not even present on your main site? And using articles as a primary question and answer forum--especially with newbies--is a mystery beyond my ability to fathom.

It's almost like you're worried that real discussion threads would make ya look bad.

Search Engine Friendly

  • Sunday, May 25 2003 @ 08:58 am EDT
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 7,239
Geeklog Hello to the admins, developers and users of Geeklog. A friend of mine is using PhpNuke and told me it is not very search engine friendly, so in my search for more suitable software to my liking I came across Geeklog. I like what Geeklog as to offer, the modules, themes and general interface look great! So, my ???? is this "Is Geeklog Search Engine Friendly?"

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