Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, February 07 2025 @ 08:46 pm EST


Geeklog on Tripod?

  • Wednesday, November 13 2002 @ 11:37 am EST
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 5,150
Geeklog Hi, I really want to start my own website using Geeklog, but I don\'t really have the equipment or money to setup my own personal Webserver. is it possible to use GL on Tripods free hosting service? I knows this has PHP, but is it sufficient enough to run Geeklog? If not are there any similar programs that will run on Tripod? Thanks

anarchyandy@fu ckmicrosoft.com (no space)

Config.php Path Help

  • Monday, November 11 2002 @ 10:10 am EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 13,722
Geeklog I have to do a lot of software support for software that I write. Whenever I start getting the same question over and over I just develop a software tool that I can distribute to my users which will help them find the answer to their problem.

If I was a member of the Geeklog team, I would run screaming whenever the old path question comes up. In response to this I developed a little tool to answer these questions.

You can access it online here. If anyone is interested I will make it available for download. I have both an integrated version like the one above and a standalone version.

If you have path problems try this before you post here.


Feature Request - User pref for font size

  • Monday, November 11 2002 @ 06:09 am EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 6,478

I recently announced my new Kevin Horton's RV-8 Page to the world. One user complained about the small font size. I told him to check out the font size items under the View menu in his browser.

Well, there is no way to choose a font size that everyone will like. I know it can be an aggravation to tell my browser to make the font larger or smaller every time I go to a new web site. So, I was wondering - would it be possible on some future version of GL to add a user pref for font size? Something like -2, -1, default, +1, +2. I suspect the answer is no, as I think this would imply a huge amount of overhead when serving pages. Should I add this to the list of Feature Requests, or is it so impossible that I'll get laughed off the web?

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