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Postnuke vs Geeklog?

  • Sunday, October 27 2002 @ 12:18 pm EST
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 8,316
Geeklog Umm, I just found out about postnuke, available at http://www.postnuke.com, and It seems that postnuke has much more users and is really supported by the creators. There are hundreds of modules, for example, a forum module, gallery etc, and it all pretty much works just fine. I\'m using geeklog, but since I \"got geeked\", the forum plugin has never been made. And most of the other things are really hard and not user friendly to install... weird. Is geeklog creator alive? What the heck is going on?

Suggestion: Story thumbnails

  • Tuesday, October 22 2002 @ 04:52 pm EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 4,745
Geeklog This is (yet another) suggestion for GL 2. It would be cool if in story submission when you have the list of images to add if you could check a box next to images that you wish to be thumbnails.

What I mean is that when you enter \"[image1]\" in your story, if you have checked the \"Thumbnail\" box next to image 1 in the list then it would would be clickable and show the full-sized version. And on the full-sized version, there would be an automatic link back to the story page.

I know this is all do-able manually, but I think it could be coded fairly smoothly. Did that description make sense? :)

Maybe it could even tie into Gallery? Maybe not...

HTTP Conditional Get for RSS

  • Tuesday, October 22 2002 @ 01:42 pm EDT
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 5,255

I hope this is old news and already part of the geeklog, but even if it is, it's something we should all know about: The Fishbowl outlines the complete recipe for conditional GET requests to save bandwidth while checking RSS feeds.

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