Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 08 2025 @ 09:25 am EST


Themes Section?

  • Thursday, July 25 2002 @ 03:44 am EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 4,974
Geeklog I've been rummaging around the layouts directory and am astounded by the hundreds of pieces that go into making a theme. Which of the components must be defined in a theme for it to be complete? (Digital Monochrome, Classic, and Yahoo all contain ~165 files. XSilver, Gameserver, and Clean contain 235-255 files.)

Do template sets all have the same set of .thtml files? (Classic contains 101 .thtml files while Clean contains 105.) How are template files pulled-in? Is there a pre-determined set of template files that must be present? Where can I find a list of these files? e.g., Which .php file handles the templates?

What about the items in the braces? Where are these defined? Are these extensable or can PHP code be embedded directly in the .thtml files?

Why isn't there a "Themes" Section on GL? That would be "the place" for this message...

Geeklog Plugins Project?

  • Wednesday, July 24 2002 @ 09:42 pm EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 9,195
Geeklog I've just spent 45 minutes bouncing between geeksta.com, squatty.com, and GxBlock.com looking for the Chatterbox plugin.

The disappearance of Squatty's download area begs the question: Why isn't the Geeklog Plugins Project being promoted more actively? There isn't even an obvious link from the Geeklog site to the Plugins Project page. (http://sourceforge.net/projects/geeklogplugins/)

Multilanguage website

  • Wednesday, July 24 2002 @ 05:17 am EDT
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 8,615
Geeklog Hi folks,

First of all congrats for the wonderfull work done with Geeklog. I am already using it for my personal website ( http://sasaska.net ).

I am thinking about using it also for a company website but the only problem I have found not to be able to solve with the current Geeklog is languages: we have the same information in several languages. I would like to be able to post news items in several languages. Usually the first and default language would be English but if translations are available then they should appear (as flags or language symbols?) on when seeing the news item.

The needed functionality would be:

Page navigation