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New and updated Developer Resources

  • Sunday, March 15 2009 @ 09:05 am EDT
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  • Views: 6,823

So while we're patiently waiting to learn whether or not we will be invited to participate in the Google Summer of Code again this year (the list of accepted mentoring organizations will be published on March 18), here are some new and updated resources for Geeklog developers (old and new):

Polls Plugin vs. Suhosin

  • Monday, December 15 2008 @ 02:10 pm EST
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  • Views: 10,001

We've had several reports from users who were unable to edit or delete polls. Typical symptoms were being thrown back to the list of polls, with the changes apparently not "sticking". In one case, the user was even told that he didn't have the proper permissions and was asked to log back into the site.

If you're running into this problem, check if you have the Suhosin patch for PHP installed on your server.

The problem, which only occurs with Geeklog 1.5.0 and 1.5.1, is that the new polls editor now has so many form variables that it runs over a limit set by the Suhosin patch. By default, that limit is 200 form variables, whereas the polls editor uses over 300.

Here's what you can do:

Geeklog 1.5 Migrations

  • Tuesday, October 07 2008 @ 04:07 pm EDT
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  • Views: 12,004
Geeklog For those of you who using Geeklog in corporate environments you may have have run into the situation where you want to migrate a site based on Geeklog 1.5 from, say, your development environment to your test environment (or from server A to server B). Currently this isn't supported with 1.5 and it was the focus of one of the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) projects. For those of you who simply can't wait for the results of the GSoC to be published I've created a very simple script that allows you to do such migrations.

How it works is simple.

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