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Geeklog at LinuxTag 2006

  • Wednesday, March 22 2006 @ 03:15 pm EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 20,529

Geeklog will have its own booth at this year's LinuxTag which takes place in Wiesbaden/Germany from May 3rd to 6th.

LinuxTag, now in its 11th year, touts itself as the world's no. 1 Linux expo and conference. Here's your chance to learn about new open source projects and meet the developers as well as companies using and developing open source software. The exhibition is accompanied by presentations (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) and workshops (Friday, Saturday) on all aspects of open source use and development.

Geeklog users and developers may especially be interested in this workshop.

This is the first time that Geeklog will be present at an exhibition so make sure to spread the word. And don't forget to drop by and say "Hi!" if you get the chance (we're in booth #101).

I'll be manning the Geeklog booth myself on all four days but could use some company. Markus (aka 1000ideen) will be joining me on Friday and Saturday to demonstrate how to do podcasts with Geeklog (plugin currently under development). If anyone would be willing to help out on the first two days (Wednesday and Thursday) - if only for a few hours - that would be great. Please contact me for details.

And a Big Thanks! to the LinuxTag organisers for providing us with a free booth.

[Update 2006-04-08] Added booth number and workshop links.

(This article will be updated when more information becomes available.)

Making a google map to go along with your articles

  • Wednesday, March 08 2006 @ 09:31 am EST
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 21,980
Geeklog You are blogging about your latest trip and you want everyone know where you actually went. You might want to link to google maps, but why make the people go away from your page if you can integrate Google maps on your page? This is how to do it:

1. Get a google maps key at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html
2. Create a static page and paste in the following code:

Geeklog's Advanced Editor

  • Sunday, February 12 2006 @ 03:37 pm EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 77,540

An advanced editor option is now available as part of the Geeklog 1.4 release. The integration of the FCKeditor which is one of the most popular and well supported OpenSource (LGPL Licensed) HTML editors brings to the web many of the powerful functionalities of desktop editors like MS Word.

A summary of the integration features:

  • Advanced Editor is enabled via a setting in the main site config.php
  • Enabled for Story Editor, contribute story or comment forms, and Staticpage Editor
  • FCKeditor is compatible with most internet browsers which include: IE 5.5+ (Windows), Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.3+ and Netscape 7+.
  • Editor Toolbars can be customized and for starters, a more basic toolbar is used for non-admin's for the contribute story form.
  • Extensive Editor features like text formatting, tables, link creation and font styles.
  • Integrated Image Browser allows images to easily be uploaded and image library maintained.
  • Support for uploading assorted file types like zip,doc,xls,pdf,avi,mpg,mpeg,swf,fla

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