Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, December 20 2024 @ 02:55 pm EST


I have GOT the fix for ...

  • Saturday, September 14 2002 @ 10:36 pm EDT
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 4,930
Geeklog Hey everyone it is "NOT" Geeklogs that is having an issue with the "I can't add/edit/delete a story" it is in the php.ini. you need to make sure that these two parts are set accordingly. Okay, in the php.ini
    1. file_uploads = on
    2.magic_quotes_gpc = on
The second one is really important. I also made sure that all file permissions were set correctly. Thats it. MY site is up and running now. That is www.forgiven2.org There is not much yet?!

Using 1.3.6RC1 for new sites?

  • Friday, September 13 2002 @ 07:10 pm EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 5,113
Geeklog I\'ve installed 1.3.5 for a number of clients but have 3 new sites to install soon.

I\'m wondering if anyone here would go out on a limb and install 1.3.6RC1 for any new sites they\'re doing? Is it better than 1.3.5? By better I mean as stable or more so than 1.3.5, as many or fewer issues than 1.3.5? I\'ve installed 1.3.6 locally on my Mac OS X box, but that hardly constitutes much of a test.

Anyone running a 1.3.6 system on the net with any appreciable traffic?

Any info on when 1.3.6RC2 (or 1.3.6 for that matter) will be blessed?

thanks to the GL dev team,

Landon Cox

is geeklog good for games site

  • Thursday, September 12 2002 @ 08:54 am EDT
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 6,329
Geeklog i am trying to set up a gaming clan site and was thinking of using geeklog cause i thought this site used it http://www.tu-clan.com
but after installling i found out that its not really suitable for games
does anyone know what weblog that site uses
if not how hard is it to add things to it like roster page / next matches last matchs blocks etc
i am a noob to php but am willing to learn


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