Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, December 27 2024 @ 03:38 pm EST


PortalParts.com Launched

  • Sunday, December 21 2003 @ 01:56 pm EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 7,020
Announcements The new home for the development and support of my Geeklog projects is now launched.

Check out www.portalparts.com

My projects really over took my family site www.langfamily.ca some time ago. I needed a site that would allow me to support the Geeklog community and my projects better.

My latest project glMessenger: A private Message Plugin with intergrated buddy admin and smilie management is now available.

In addition, I have the latest releases of my other projects and all the site content moved over. All members of my previous site should be able to login.

Axonz 3.0 CSS Theme Released!

  • Tuesday, December 16 2003 @ 03:15 am EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 10,492

Axonz 3.0 CSS is now available for immediate download! Tried, tested and true with Geeklog 1.3.8-1sr3, this is nearly a complete rewrite of the original theme.

Version 3.0 boasts a nearly all CSS rendered layout... almost tableless (comments are in tables) woo hoo!

In addition to the new architecture, I created 4 'flavors', of the theme; red, blue, green and grey.

I'll upload the them here later today, but for now, you can get them, or try them out, on my site:


Security Flaw in Geeklog/Gallery Plugin

  • Tuesday, December 09 2003 @ 10:48 pm EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 17,969
Security Those of you Geeklog users who use the Geeklog/Gallery plugin are being advised of a security issue that arises as a result of PHP's register_globals being on. As we explain here we do require register_globals to be on but Geeklog manages this securely. However, the Geeklog/Gallery plugin does not. To be 100% clear, this advisory does not effect Geeklog sites which do not use the Gallery plugin.

For those of you using the Geeklog Gallery plugin, you should comment all references to $GEEKLOG_DIR in the plugin. Instances of this can be found in:

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