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Scheduled server upgrade and short outage

  • Thursday, April 22 2004 @ 02:45 pm EDT
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  • Views: 11,709
Geeklog.net As you may have noticed, the site had a few stability issues during the last week or so. There will be a short outage some time on Friday afternoon, during which new software will be installed on the server. Let's hope that will address the problems ...

So if you notice the site being down on Friday, it's probably the server upgrade. In that case, please come back a bit later. We've been told it shouldn't take too long.

bye, Dirk


  • Wednesday, April 23 2003 @ 03:34 am EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 8,827
Geeklog.net As you may have noticed, there was a DNS problem that caused a Squash site to appear when you intended to go to www.geeklog.net. This should be resolved now (and if it isn't, please give it another couple of hours until all DNS servers are updated).

bye, Dirk

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