Geeklog 1.8.1
- Sunday, October 09 2011 @ 01:05 pm EDT
- Contributed by: Dirk
- Views: 19,105

Geeklog 1.8.1 is now available for download. This is a maintenance and recommended upgrade for Geeklog 1.8.0.
This release ships with jQuery 1.6.3, which fixes a possible XSS in that JavaScript library, which shouldn't have affected Geeklog itself, but may potentially exist in add-ons that make extensive use of jQuery. Geeklog 1.8.1 also fixes two cases of information leakage, where the OAuth consumer key and secret were exposed when enabling the "rootdebug" option (which is off by default). Also, the MS SQL driver was displaying full details of SQL errors by default.
Other changes in this release: