Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, March 14 2025 @ 02:25 am EDT


Geeklog 1.7.0 BETA 1

  • Sunday, April 04 2010 @ 10:20 am EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 6,545

The first beta of Geeklog 1.7.0 is now available for download.

The main new feature in this release is support for PostgreSQL (aka Postgres), implemented by Stan Palatnik during the 2009 Summer of Code. We haven't forgotten about the other successful GSoC 2009 projects - those will be added in future releases.

Geeklog 1.7.0 also addresses everybody's favourite nuisance, the problem with the expiring CSRF token: Now when the token expires, you will be asked for your password again, after which you can continue as normal (and without any data loss).

Other important changes in Geeklog 1.7.0: The minimum requirements are PHP 4.4.0 and MySQL 4.0.18 (assuming you use MySQL as your database) now. We are currently planning to drop support for PHP 4 entirely in Geeklog 1.8 later this year.

Geeklog Emergency Rescue Tool

  • Sunday, February 21 2010 @ 09:24 pm EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 8,441

If you've ever installed an aging plugin/addon and found it incompatible - worse found your geeklog site down.

You may have found it hard to disable the offending extension.

This tool is for you. Options include:

  • Enable/Disable Plugins
  • Enable/Disable Blocks
  • Edit Select $_CONF Values
  • Reset Admin Password

More info and download here.

Hope it helps ;)



Uploading to your nexFile document repository has just become easier!

  • Thursday, January 21 2010 @ 08:40 am EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 6,719
Announcements Nextide is pleased to announce the immediate release of the Nexfile Windows Desktop Client

Want to speed up the document upload process? Want to download and edit documents on the fly? Then the nexFile Desktop Client is the solution.

The nexFile Client allows users to seamlessly attach to their nexFile document repository and upload documents directly from their desktop. By simply dragging-and-dropping as many files as needed into a configurable monitored directory, those files are automatically uploaded to the nexFile Document repository. The nexFile Client eliminates the tedious one-at-a-time upload through a web form limitation.

Using nexFile's "Download File for Editing" option on any file in the repository allows you to keep an opened version of the file in your PC's nexFile monitored directory while you make live edits to it. Every time you save the file, the nexFile Desktop Client will update the contents in the nexFile repository on-the-fly, keeping your repository up to date.

We have completed a 5min video that is an overview of the full features of the nexFile solution that includes the nexFile desktop client. There are additional tutorials on the user and admin features - all located on youtube in the Nextide Channel.

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