Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, March 17 2025 @ 10:52 am EDT


blue_moo theme

  • Sunday, March 09 2003 @ 02:49 pm EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 4,976
Announcements I've been asked to release my work on the blue_moo theme which I use for http://www.fragglerock.org. It is based on the original monkey_business theme, but corrected for geeklog 1.3.7sr1 (the original did not work, no idea which version it was intended for), and modified quite a bit.

You can get the theme HERE

The bottom bar in the footer.thtml *must* be edited manually since plg_menu_elements is not defined for the footer.thtml and requires editing of the lib-common file. I hope dirk can add plg_menu_elements in the lib-common in the next release which would help with future use of the footer.thtml

Hope you like it, let me know of any suggestions/comments.

Travis' Theme Pack #1

  • Wednesday, March 05 2003 @ 03:49 pm EST
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 14,647
Announcements I've received a couple requests here and there for some of the manythemes I've created over the last while, which is why I'm releasingthis pack of themes for you fine lot to use on your Geeklog sites.

There's some customised features in each for my site, so if you noticesomething tricking up you may have to do some modifications.
I've upgraded all of them to be 1.3.7 compliant, so hopefully there'sno faulty bits and pieces left over.

* My only request is that you tell me where you're using any of thesethemes... it's just something nice to know I suppose.

There should be the following 10 themes in this pack:

  • Aqua
  • Console
  • DigitalNinja
  • Dirty
  • Emac
  • Keylime
  • LCD
  • LP
  • Slick
  • Wintermute

Go HERE to download the theme pack.


GL Slovak translation

  • Monday, March 03 2003 @ 08:01 pm EST
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 4,728
Announcements I have prepared partially translated messages to slovak language. Some of them are not in correct translation, but free slang sentences.


Active web with slovak translation is at:


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