Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, March 16 2025 @ 10:26 pm EDT


Geeklog 1.3.7 released

  • Monday, December 16 2002 @ 09:40 am EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 9,026

The finalized version of Geeklog 1.3.7 is available for download now.

The only changes since the release of 1.3.7rc1 were some more bug fixes and the addition of some new (Spanish, Hellenic/Greek) and updated (Japanese, Italian, Polish) translations.

As has been said before, Geeklog 1.3.7 is a maintenance release, focussing on bug fixes and minor improvements. New features include the ability to receive notification email when stories, links, or events have been submitted, a separate listing of only the new stories, resizing of user photos and more. Please refer to the short and complete list of changes for details.

bye, Dirk

Update: The original 1.3.7 tarball was missing three empty folders (see this story). It has now been replaced with a tarball named geeklog-1.3.7-1.tar.gz which includes these three folders. This is the only difference between the two tarballs. Just follow the above link to download the correct file.

Plugin Developers Handbook

  • Sunday, December 15 2002 @ 03:22 pm EST
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 4,979
Announcements Tom Willett and I have been collaborating on a Developers Guide for Geeklog Plugins. We have included an introduction and walk thru of the Geeklog API's and the Geeklog way of doing things for developers new to Geeklog.

We have added our lessons learned and best practices for developing Geeklog Plugins. Additionally there is good background in the first few sections for Block Developers. There are plenty of example code and a universal plugin installer program that makes it very easy to create a install / uninstall program and functions for your plugin .

There are quite a few APIs and many plugins only use a subset. The Plugin API's are very powerfull and we have included a section outlining the benefits of why a developer would/should choose to use this approach.

Support at the Pigstye is Moving

  • Thursday, December 12 2002 @ 04:14 pm EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 7,480
Announcements I have opened up a sourceforge page to host my Geeklog Plugins and Hacks gplugs.sf.net and hope thereby to rescue The Pigstye back for more personal pursuits (I have other things to do with the webspace and bandwidth). I have moved all the user accounts, stories/comments and downloads from The Pigstye to the sourceforge address. I even have a new release only available from that website. So come see me there.

Mosiach and the Geekary have already joined me there.

We invite any other Geeklog addon Developers to join us also. Geeklog shoppers can then have one stop shopping. Drop me a line and I will set you up with access.


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