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Wanted: Coders, Testers, Hackers, Packagers, Hardware for the InceptionOS Project

  • Tuesday, August 13 2002 @ 12:20 pm EDT
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  • Views: 4,541

The InceptionOS Project has openings for coders to create an installation interface and setup tool. The initial instance should be based on an ncurses interface, with the possibility of later including X11.

InceptionOS also needs testers and source hackers who are not intimidated by installing an entire distribution from scratch, without an interface. InceptionOS is looking to convert its current Red Hat RPM packaging to Debian format. Packagers should be familiar with Debian's DEB package format if interested in performing the conversion.

The InceptionOS Project aims to become the first distribution to boast full LSB compliance, and according to our own (unofficial) testing, we're already 95% compliant.

Busted Weather Block

  • Wednesday, July 31 2002 @ 07:48 pm EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 5,284
Announcements It was too good to be true! MSNBC.com decided to change their weather feeds. I guess they are entitled to do so? Needles to say, the Geeklog weather block no longer works correctly. If you are using the weather block, images will no longer display on the block view and the 5-day forecast is a complete mess!

I currently have a slimmed down version of the weather block running on my site. No 5-day forecast! I will post the band aide fix soon and continue to investigate a permanent solution.

Anyone work for MSNBC.com? I’d love to know the new URL and or name value pairs. It would sure save me a lot of time!


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