Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, March 16 2025 @ 02:55 am EDT


Theme Three Lions released.

  • Sunday, June 09 2002 @ 11:59 am EDT
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 6,309
Announcements It's more of a themelet than a theme - it's a rehash of the colour scheme for my previous theme, 3AM Eternal and a modicum of tweaking on the logo and header graphics to give a slightly different shape. The inspiration? I'm afraid I've become wholly addicted to the World Cup and I wanted to make my site more orientated to backing the fortunes of England as they progress through the tournament (sad, I know), but well, the end result is quite a nice look for those of you who prefer the lighter themes to the darker ones! You can check out the theme at Goddammit.co.uk and also download from there should you wish to use it on your site (I've included blank graphics in the tarball so you can deAnglicise it, since I'm sure the majority of Geeklog users aren't going to be fanatics of the England football team!!)

Geekbook 1.2 Stable released!

  • Tuesday, June 04 2002 @ 04:18 pm EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 7,294
Announcements This version improves significantly over the previous versions. If upgrading, view upgrade.txt and follow the instructions carefully. This is the last release of geekbook 1.x with geekbook 2 coming out sometime late July. I'm working on two new plugins set to release soon so look out! New features include...
  • Ability to lock geekbook(only visible to admin(s) )
  • Improved archiving. Pages are only linked if user is not already on the page. Prev and Next links stay on and are improved as well.
  • You will be able to change GeekBook directory to say something like 'Guestbook' and all of the scripts associated with geekbook will recognize that directory.
  • Oh yeah, also a new smiley. (use :love: for heart) and two secret smilies.

Download it here.

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