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Media Gallery WKZ

  • Friday, April 02 2010 @ 10:04 am EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 8,959

Media Gallery WKZ (With KZ_Template) is the one to have integrated Media Gallery v1.6.1 and Media Gallery v1.6.8 which is included with glFusion CMS.

To execute Media Gallery WKZ, it is not necessary to install Caching Template Library.
Because the KZ_Template Class which is released by Mystral-kk is included with Media Gallery WKZ. Therefore, the installation is easier.

Because this plugin is so huge, I do not know everything.
But if you're interested, please try.

Download here.

twitter_block 1.1

  • Wednesday, February 17 2010 @ 07:11 pm EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 5,902

The latest release of our twitter_block plugin for geeklog/glfusion is now available for download.

New/fixed for this release:

  • introduction text when first installed(username missing)
  • relative times (config option)
  • tinyUrls - whew what a pain in the a#@! (config option)
  • twitter profile photo (config option)
  • follow me link at the bottom of the block
  • autotags (thanks for your help Tom)
  • Swedish language translation (thanks Daniel)
  • auto-install works correctly


Read the full story here.


Enjoy :)


G2Bridge updates

  • Tuesday, February 09 2010 @ 09:36 am EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 3,872

The latest G2Bridge for Geeklog1.6.x<->Gallery2 integration is available for immediate download.

New features include:

  • Integrated search (GL1.6.1required)
  • What's new support
  • Plugin Autoinstall compatibility
  • Other minor bug fixes

Get it here. And support on our forums here.


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