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MT-Blacklist discontinued

  • Thursday, October 06 2005 @ 01:09 pm EDT
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 27,388

As you may have noticed when trying to update MT-Blacklist from the Spam-X plugin recently, the blacklist hasn't been updated in a while and has now even started to throw error messages. The reason is that Jay Allen has discontinued MT-Blacklist.

We would like to thank Jay for his work on MT-Blacklist and hope that his assessment that MT-Blacklist is no longer needed proves to be correct.

As a temporary measure, the last complete MT-Blacklist is available here on geeklog.net. So if you set up a new Geeklog site, open up the Spam-X config.php file (/path/to/geeklog/plugins/spamx/config.php) and update the URL for the initial import to read:

// Entire MT-Blacklist (for inital import)
$_SPX_CONF['mtblacklist_url'] = 'http://www.geeklog.net/backend/blacklist.txt';

Please note that there will be no updates, so if you already did the initial import, clicking on "Update MT-Blacklist" won't do anything (other than throwing an error message ...).

We will be looking into providing other means of spam protection for Geeklog in future releases. In the meantime, the last version of MT-Blacklist should provide some sort of protection for the time being. We suggest that you check your site for new comments / posts on a regular basis and feed your personal blacklist with any URLs and keywords of spam that you may encounter.

And if you haven't already done so, upgrade to Spam-X 1.0.2, which includes some new spam filtering modules.