SpamX Comment Spam Plugin
- Monday, June 14 2004 @ 03:12 pm EDT
- Contributed by: tomw
- Views: 10,080

The main mechanism SpamX uses to fight comment spam is to use the blacklist created by Jay Allen and Movable type Users - MT-Blacklist. The MT-Blacklist theory is that comment spammers do it to increase their google page rankings and therefore the link is all important. The MT-Blacklist therefore only filters on urls.
The MT-Blacklist is only one part of the Geeklog SpamX plugin however. The SpamX plugin has its own personal blacklist that you can add to. You can use it to filter anything from comments. One option is to import the Geeklog censor list and ban all comments which contain one of those words. This or an expanded list would be usefull for a website that caters to children. The SpamX plugin was built to be expandable to easily adapt to changes the comment spammers might make. There are three types of modules admin, examin and action. A new module is contained in a file and can simply be dropped in and it will be added to the plugin. The modules with which the plugin ships are:
- View SpamX log
- Update MT-Blacklist
- Edit Personal Blacklist,
- View/Import Other Personal Blacklists
- Configure Spamx Modules
- MT-Blacklist
- Personal Blacklist
- Delete Comment if on Blacklist
- Mail Admin if Comment Rejected. (requires 1.3.9)
One feature of the SpamX plugin is the ability to share your blacklist and to view and import the Blacklists of other SpamX plugin users. Your participation in this will help give early warning to other SpamX plugin users.
The first extension to the Spamx plugin will be the addition of a Geeklog Blacklist similiar to the MT-Blacklist but with different blacklists reflecting different levels of blocking, e.g. G - PG - R. Expect an announcement about this soon. (If anyone wants to help with this drop me a note).
You can get the plugin here and the latest version and extensions will always be at sourceforge.
Thanks to all the Beta Testers the comment spam plugin should work on all version of Geeklog from 1.37 onward.
Please put all support questions in the forum.