Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, March 13 2025 @ 05:50 pm EDT

GL Forum Project RC1 Release

  • Sunday, December 08 2002 @ 12:27 pm EST
  • Contributed by: Anonymous
  • Views: 29,354
Announcements Hey guys,

The long awaited time has come! After many hours spent by Blaine and I, we have finally gotten the forum together for a release.

This release (RC1) includes many features found in the most popular forums today. Such as:
- Unlimited categories, forums, and topics
- Broad range of moderator functions (move, ban, edit, delete.. etc)
- Private forums controlled by Geeklog groups
- Sticky topics
- Post notification and management
- Search and other statistics
- Many options in creating a message
- Users can edit their own message
- Broad range of admin functions
- And of course.. fully integrated into Geeklog :)
Plus many more which are described in the install document once downloaded.

You can get the forum at the Geeklog Plugins page. Install is very simple. All you need to do is make a couple directories, copy some files, and run the install script. Support can be found both at Country Web and Blaine’s Site, or by emailing either of us through the email addresses found in the install document.

I also want to thank Blaine who has helped me day in and day out with this forum. Without him, this would not be near available today, and I know how much you guys are itchin for it :)

So, without further adue.. go download it and have fun!
