Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, March 13 2025 @ 05:19 pm EDT


Tags: -
Date: 2003-01-17 11:54
Size: 50.71 KB
Version: 4
MD5: d2af9fd745e99cc910e794aee0bfa292
Rating: 9.00(1)
Popularity: 1288   POP
This is revision no 4 of the Hellenic translation of Geeklog. I now consider this translation to be not only official but stable. That means, comments on this file will be considered CORRECTIONS for me.
In details the changes are:
Line by Line verification of the translation. (tough)
Geeklog new url updated
Formalization of the language completed
Language is now more "Modern Greek oriented"
Removal of the most pre-modern greek idioms and words.
All Syntax / Speeling / Gramar errors eliminated.

It would be nice, if this file could be replace the old one in the current rc1 edition and updatepack.

Thank you,