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Mailing List Changes

  • Tuesday, December 24 2002 @ 12:49 pm EST
  • Contributed by:
  • Views: 8,587
Announcements If you belong to one of the Geeklog mailing lists you will want to read this message in its entirety. The Geeklog Team is in the process of moving from sourceforge.net to our new home here at geeklog.net. As a result, we will be moving the mailing lists currently hosted by sourceforge.net to our mail servers.

Please read on for instructions you will need to follow if you want to remain on our lists! In the switch we are doing some reorganization. To be clear here is a table outlining the changes:

Old SourceForge.net ListNew geeklog.net List
geeklog-devel@lists.sourceforge.netgeeklog-users AT lists.geeklog.net
geeklog-core@lists.sourceforge.netgeeklog-devel AT lists.geeklog.net
geeklog-devel-cvs@lists.sourceforg.netgeeklog-cvs AT lists.geeklog.net
geeklog-translations@lists.sourcforge.netgeeklog-translations AT lists.geeklog.net
N/Ageeklog-modules AT lists.geeklog.net
N/Ageeklog-announce AT lists.geeklog.net
N/Ageeklog-devtalk AT lists.geeklog.net

Because the mailing list software we are using makes it hard to pull large numbers of email addresses out to import into the new system, we are going to have to require you all to rejoin any new lists you may want. You may do so by clicking the link to the new list in the table above.

We do apologize for this inconvenience but in the long term it will help us better serve you and your needs!