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Fantastico Upgrade Broke My Site


I just upgraded my Geeklog through Fantastico, and now whenever I try to use any admin functions, I get this kind of error:

Template Error: filename: file /home/kthulah/public_html/mag/layout/moderntraditional/admin/lists/searchmenu.thtml does not exist.

I've looked it up in search, but nobody has got any clear answers that don't involve messing with the code, so I'm rolling back.

It's just really annoying when "upgrades" that haven't been really tested well are given through Fantastico. I use that to *prevent* these kinds of problems. :-(


By the way, if anyone knows exactly which files from the Professional theme need to be copied to themes made using the previous version, that would at least provide a temporary fix, I think...I hope.


Quote by: Nicole

I just upgraded my Geeklog through Fantastico, and now whenever I try to use any admin functions, I get this kind of error:

Template Error: filename: file /home/kthulah/public_html/mag/layout/moderntraditional/admin/lists/searchmenu.thtml does not exist.

I've looked it up in search, but nobody has got any clear answers that don't involve messing with the code, so I'm rolling back.

It's just really annoying when "upgrades" that haven't been really tested well are given through Fantastico. I use that to *prevent* these kinds of problems. :-(


In most cases, not all, but what you can do to upgrade your theme is to copy all the sub-directories from the professional theme over to your modified theme. Word of caution is to make sure the professional theme works as intended before you make the overlay. As you stated, your on Fantastico and I have seen some really weird things go on in their directory structures. If you are still not comfortable with the copy from the professional theme thats already on your site, then upload a new copy from the archive and then overlay the sub-directories to your custom theme. The individual files in the root of the professional theme directory should not be copied over to your custom theme, or you will loose any mods and it will look just like the professional theme.

Please keep in mind, there are some themes that this will not work for. Themes that require the (CTL) Caching Template Library, will need a different approach at upgrading. To get help in that area, I would suggest visiting the glFusion site and post your questions for that (CTL) theme problem.


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Quote by: Nicole

It's just really annoying when "upgrades" that haven't been really tested well are given through Fantastico. I use that to *prevent* these kinds of problems. :-(

Talk to Fantastico about that. Fantastico packages Geeklog for distribution without ever consulting with the developers of Geeklog. The Fantastico Geeklog distribution does not follow Geeklog's recommendations for directory structure so you can't blame the makers of Geeklog when the Fantastico upgrade fails.

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finally geeklog 1.5 available install at Fantastico. I am not upgrade my 1.4.1 yet. but I think geeklog more better than other. because when GL show up at fantastico that mean it is 95% stable version. not like as other, before I upgrade my other cms site for couple weeks later and fantastico showup a new version available to upgrade again. like that.

I think we better to upgrade our 1.4.1 testsite first before upgrade the live site. if we got error in testsite so do not upgrade the live site.


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