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Inmemoriam bug report

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sr1 wouldn't affect any of this.

GD2 is bundled with PHP5, but a couple of necessary libraries may still be missing from your configuration: libpng and libjpeg at least.
See this discussion and then go to the PHP page for more info on where to obtain necessary files and how to install/configure them.

An easier solution would be to install NetPBM or ImageMagick, but I've not finished integrating that code yet...


I can tell you that I do have gd2 installed, and am fairly sure that it works although I don't know how to test it. These other libraries seem moot however as I even tried using it with gifs and those do not display either (yes I did enable them in the inmemoriam config file) So therefore we know that php5 probably is not the issue here, and I would guess that some pople using apache2 have gotten it to work as well, but what about windows?



Also not sure if this another bug, or just one of my issues, but I can't seem to delete an album once I create one. When I try to delete it in windows it says that it is currently in use, even though there may not be anything in it, and the permissions for it are set so that everyone could delete it.



Quote by Rob:When I try to delete it in windows it says that it is currently in use
that is a windows error, and has little to do with the script. perhaps the album was in use in another window or something like that. If you're using the gallery to delete an album that the gallery created, the only way you'll get that type of error is if, in fact, the directory is in use by some other windows process.

I assume you're running a windows server (whatever it's called these days)? But (watch for disclaimer), I'm not a server guy so maybe one of these other gurus might have an answer.


Ah, so it was.Embarassed That still leaves me with the minor problem of the images never displaying. I simply get a square box with a question mark inside. I'm completely baffled by this problem but would like to figure it out. I guess then the correct route to take would be to test each part individually. Can anyone post code (or a link to it) that would allow me to test to see if the gd2 plugin works? Also just to let you know I still consider myself a php newbie so go easy one me. Thanks in advance,


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hi, new user and I really like your gallery plug-in!

Couple questions, not really "bugs"

1. i would like to resize the text under the random picture in the menu box (Browse and Favorites links).

2. I was also wondering, in the galleries under the pics where you have the credit, size, etc. is there a way to modify that. I would like to have the captions instead.


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Quote by Rob: I'm completely baffled by this problem but would like to figure it out.
Me too, and I will continue to search for a solution until one is found--please bear with me/us.

Rob, if you receive the same error as Trinity, i.e, "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: load() in ...", then the potential lack of any GD2 function/library is not the issue--yet, because the script isn't even getting to the GD extension. The problem is, for an unknown reason, that the image_transform package is not being found by the script even though it seems to be making it into the include_path--at least for the few of you.

I'm going to go rant about this in another forum and see If I can dig something up. The issue for me is that I'm not sitting at your computer where I could just check things based upon other things that I may see..
blah blah. Banging your head

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Quote by hatric:
1. i would like to resize the text under the random picture in the menu box (Browse and Favorites links).
find this in inmemoriam.css and edit accordingly:
Text Formatted Code
#inm-phpblockrandom {
        font-size: .8em;
        text-align: center;

#inm-phpblockrandom ul {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        text-align: left;
        list-style-type: none;
        list-style-position: inside;
#inm-phpblockrandom img {
        margin: 2px;


Quote by hatric:
2. I was also wondering, in the galleries under the pics where you have the credit, size, etc. is there a way to modify that. I would like to have the captions instead.
if you're refering to the thumbnail pages, that bit is not configurable... you will have to edit some PHP.

here we go. find inm_albumThumbs() in browse.php.
find the comment "begin loop".
inside that "while" loop, anywhere in the top-half, add the following line:
Text Formatted Code

            $T->set_var('caption', COM_stripslashes($TH['caption']));

now add the template variable, {caption}, to your thumbs.thtml file and either delete or comment out the ones you don't want (in the template file).



Absolutely awesome!! Thanks so much for your help!

Any way to scale down the theme box size (eg. shade, light, rose, etc). I notice they will scale up when a long caption is put in, which is awesome!

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Quote by Hatric:Any way to scale down the theme box size
not sure what you mean, but you could use max-width or max-height attributes in your CSS, but that might cause problems with rows not laying out properly however.


Ok I went through and I tested to see if putting an exact path into image-functions.inc would change anything, and it didn't, so then I just took the entire line out to see what would happen, and as expected I get a php error saying that it can't find the functions included in transform.php. Therefore I have to assume that the code is at least getting there to know what the functions are, which allows me to call them. Don't know if that helps any...
But I also have the complete error that I get when I attempt to view a photo in "full image" mode.

Fatal error: Call to undefined method PEAR_Error::load() in cRazzrogram FilesApache GroupApache2htdocsgeeklogpluginsinmemoriamimage-functions.inc on line 192

Hope this helps some. Will continue messing with it,



Also get the following error message when attempt to create static images:

Text Formatted Code
Fatal error: Call to undefined method PEAR_Error::load() in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\geeklog\public_html\admin\plugins\inmemoriam\index.php on line 917

Also I suppose there should have been slashes in that last post... oops.


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Quote by machinari: not sure what you mean, but you could use max-width or max-height attributes in your CSS, but that might cause problems with rows not laying out properly however.

I was thinking I would like to shorten (vertically) the size of the theme area (shade, light, rose, etc.) around a thumbnail in the thumbnail pages just enough to encapsulate the thumbnail itself and the caption (from the edit you showed me earlier) and nothing more.

Hope that is a bit more clear for you.

thanks! ~hatric


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I haven't looked at it, hatric, but if you remove any height specification in the .inm-thumbnail rule in your inmemoriam.css, then that should give you what you want, but be warned, your rows may not return properly after a break depending on the final height of one div compared to the next. test it out and hopefully you won't see what I mean.

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I'll give it a whirl! thanks for your help !! If things get all messy I will get back to you so you will know for sure.

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Wed 28 Sep 2005 03:30:19 PM CDT - Inserting default data into phpblock table
Wed 28 Sep 2005 03:30:19 PM CDT - 1136: Column count doesn't match value count a
t row 1. SQL in question:
Wed 28 Sep 2005 03:30:19 PM CDT - Error inserting default data into phpblock tab

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DTrumbower, Inmemoriam is not designed to be installed into the CVS version of Geeklog. When 1.3.12 comes out, the plugin will be updated.


When attempting to edit an album, I receive the following error:
An input validation error has occurred. Please go back and review your entries.

I was trying to set an album as a featured block for my homepage when I received the error.

Is this a file or folder security problem?

Josh ~ www.jtravis.us

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Quote by machinari: DTrumbower, Inmemoriam is not designed to be installed into the CVS version of Geeklog. When 1.3.12 comes out, the plugin will be updated.

I figured that out. Smile But it's working now.

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Quote by Josh: When attempting to edit an album, I receive the following error:
An input validation error has occurred. Please go back and review your entries.
Is this a file or folder security problem?
No, this error has only to do with the values passed by $_POST.
a required value is missing, or, more likely, a hidden or required album ID has been edited or removed.

Is there any part of the album editing process that works for you? and is this error only returned when you try to set the album as featured?

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