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Inmemoriam bug report

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k, not bad so far.. only a couple of bug and they are both oversights. Hope things continue to go well for this gallery solution.

Bug: the user's profile block is meant to show that last 10 pics added, not just the first 10 that the query grabs--sorry.
Solution: find the function plugin_profileblocksdisplay_inmemoriam($uid) in the functions.inc file and add ORDER BY date DESC into the query. It should look like this when your done:
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$result = DB_query("SELECT mid, title FROM {$INM_TABLES['media']} WHERE owner_id='$uid'" . COM_getPermSQL('and') . " ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 10");


The next oversight was noticed by geKow--many thanks for that.
Bug: Inmemoriam makes use of a pear package that must be installed into your Geeklog system dir. If you have $_CONF['have_pear']=true; then the gallery won't find the appropriate pear package most likely as the path to Geeklog's pear dir would not get included into the php.ini..
Solution: copy this bit of code into your Inmemoriam functions.inc file somewhere near the top in the area before any functions are defined:
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*quick fix for geeklog's pear path not included in php.ini
if ($_CONF['have_pear']){
    $curPHPIncludePath = ini_get( 'include_path' );
    if( defined( 'PATH_SEPARATOR' )){
        $separator = PATH_SEPARATOR;
    } else {
        // prior to PHP 4.3.0, we have to guess the correct separator ...
        $separator = ';';
        if( strpos( $curPHPIncludePath, $separator ) === false ){
            $separator = ':';
    if( ini_set( 'include_path', $_CONF['path_pear'] . $separator . $curPHPIncludePath ) === false ){
        COM_errorLog( 'ini_set failed - there may be problems using the PEAR image_transform class.', 1);


or you could just wait for the next release for all the fixes--these ones and others that I'm sure will be found.

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It looks like Inmemoriam (wich I am starting to like Wink ) uses only the servertime, not the geeklog time.

Is there a way to change the date/time display? (eg. 13.09.2005 11:19 instead of 2005-09-13 11:10:53)


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true. I'll add that to my list. thanks.

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Fatal error: Call to undefined function: load() in /opt/home/trinity/plugins/inmemoriam/image-functions.inc on line 193

when useing geeklog cvs images dont show up and i get this error when i try and view acual full size image i have the cvs tarball of ppear in the /system/pear dir and pear installed turned off in config.php
glFusion - Technology Fused with Style - www.gllabs.org

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do your thumbnails work? just your fullsize that returns the error? if your thumbnails work, then nothing is wrong with your pear setup. otherwise I wonder if you dropped the pear files from the inmemoriam package into your pear dir...

by the way, I have never tested this with the cvs version of Gl.

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Quote by geKow:
Is there a way to change the date/time display? (eg. 13.09.2005 11:19 instead of 2005-09-13 11:10:53)

sorry geKow, I didn't read the rest of your post.
it is a simple matter for Inmemoriam to utilize Geeklogs date rather than the server date... I've put this into the next release just now. I would just give you the code but it has to go into a number of places so hopefully you don't mind waiting.

As far as your prefered format goes, I don't see that one in Gl's list of date format options. Is that your server's default format?

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no thumbnails dont work
glFusion - Technology Fused with Style - www.gllabs.org

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Quote by trinity: no thumbnails dont work
so then this is simply a path issue, specifically the path to the pear image_transform package that ships with Inmemoriam.

As I mentioned above, have you dropped the pear directory contents that shipped with Inmemoriam into your geeklog/system/pear/ directory? If you do this, and have $_CONF['have_pear'] = false;, which is default, then you shouldn't get the fatal error.

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Quote by machinari:
As far as your prefered format goes, I don't see that one in Gl's list of date format options. Is that your server's default format?

no, this is just the format I would like to have Smile but I allthough would be happy if I could use a Gl format (like 14/09/05 10:46)



hi, i really like inmemoriam gallery - it really solved my gl gallery problems because gallery 1.x and 2 were really pain in the ass..

i'm now hacking inmemoriam to suit my needs and few suggestions to next version:
- picture and view count of album should show picture and view count of album and subalbums combined.
- if album doesn't have any pictures in it nor default thumb pic, but has subalbums, it should take thumbnail pic from a random sub-album pic.
fast hack for this starting in functions.inc at line 1477:
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} elseif (DB_count($INM_TABLES['albums'], 'pid', $A['id']) >= 1) {
    // if album only contains subalbums, get random thumb from subalbum
    $TR = DB_query("SELECT id FROM {$INM_TABLES['albums']} WHERE pid='{$A['id']}'" . COM_getPermSQL('and') . " ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
    $R = DB_query("SELECT mid, filename, title FROM {$INM_TABLES['media']} WHERE aid='" . DB_result($TR,0,0) . "' " . COM_getPermSQL('and') . " ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1");
    list($randommid,$filename,$alttext) = DB_fetchArray($R);
    $albumthumb = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/inmemoriam/image.php?mid=' . $randommid . '&thumb=1';
    $summary->set_var('alt', stripslashes($alttext));


- by default there is topic that goes like "topic -- slogan" ($LANG_INM01[11] -- $LANG_INM01[12]) at every page. if you don't have a slogan you have to go through several php -files and remove "--" from code, if you don't want stupid outlook for your gallery ("topic --" at every page). if that would be handled by one function or something like that, it'd be easier to customize.

i might come up with more suggestions later...

and i'm working on finnish language file. i will send that when ready.


i didn't find any easy way to move pic from one album to another? is there one or should i start work on it?

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good suggestions, k616. Glad you like it and glad you're into the code! the best fixes/suggestions always come from effort like yours.

about the dashes, they can just go into the language file and problem solved.

as far as moving a pic from gallery to gallery, it isn't implemented. Entire albums can be moved, but individual pics cannot. This is already on my to do list for the next release however (as well as your other suggestions).

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Yes i did. Smile
I also have the geeklog pear libs installed.as well as server wide pear. When you set $_CONF['have_pear'] = false; all it does is add the /system/pear to the path in your php.ini. I also tried your workaround but that didnt work. If you need more information about our server set up let me know what you need and i can send it to you. I cant devulge certian server setup info in public on this forum, so email would be better to give it to you
glFusion - Technology Fused with Style - www.gllabs.org

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Quote by trinity: Yes i did. Smile
When you set $_CONF['have_pear'] = false; all it does is add the /system/pear to the path in your php.ini. I also tried your workaround but that didnt work.
adding system/pear to the path in php.ini is exactly what inmemoriam counts on. So if "false" then lib-common.php does it and if "true" then my workaround above does it. Either way, some how, the path to the image package is misplaced, assuming the path to sytem/pear is actually making it into your include path. This can only mean one of two things: the pear stuff that shipped with inmemoriam has been placed improperly in your pear dir (or not at all); or php has no permission to use it, which is just a ridiculous idea.

check if Gl's pear is making it into your include path, use echo ini_get('include_path');

suggestion: check that you have placed Inm's pear stuff correctly according to the following:
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ensure that the following is not how you have place the files:
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off to a class, back in a few hours..

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Ok...maybe it's just late and/or I'm very tired.

I am looking forward very much to incorporate this into my site.

I cannot locate the following directories
* $_CONF['path']/plugins/inmemoriam/albums/
* $_CONF['path']/plugins/inmemoriam/thumbnails/
* $_CONF['path']/plugins/inmemoriam/scaled/
* $_CONF['path']/plugins/inmemoriam/backups/
* $_CONF['path']/plugins/inmemoriam/logs/

I found the watermarks, but not these to set to chmod777, or are these actually created on install?

All else is in, except these settings and pressing the install button on the plugins page.


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if those directories were not created when you untarred or FTP'd the package (which could happen cuz they are empty dirs--i should put a dummy file in them) then you'll just have to create them manually and set their permissions properly afterward.

Tom Schenk

I have only discovered one problem that doesn't seem to have been addressed yet. In the functions.inc file on line 493, I had to change:

$sql .= " AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(m.date) BETWEEN '$startdate' AND '$enddate'Wink";


$sql .= " AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) BETWEEN '$startdate' AND '$enddate'Wink";

The "m." was generating an error because when you specified the database in the preceeding FROM clause, you didn't alias "media" as "m". This may only have effected users of the Site Calendar Block (I was getting a SQL error when clicking on a date in the block).

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nice catch, Tom. That was a remnant of a previous version of the query.

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Quote by machinari:
Quote by trinity: Yes i did. Smile
When you set $_CONF['have_pear'] = false; all it does is add the /system/pear to the path in your php.ini. I also tried your workaround but that didnt work.
adding system/pear to the path in php.ini is exactly what inmemoriam counts on. So if "false" then lib-common.php does it and if "true" then my workaround above does it. Either way, some how, the path to the image package is misplaced, assuming the path to sytem/pear is actually making it into your include path. This can only mean one of two things: the pear stuff that shipped with inmemoriam has been placed improperly in your pear dir (or not at all); or php has no permission to use it, which is just a ridiculous idea.

check if Gl's pear is making it into your include path, use echo ini_get('include_path');

suggestion: check that you have placed Inm's pear stuff correctly according to the following:
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ensure that the following is not how you have place the files:
Text Formatted Code



off to a class, back in a few hours..

checked them out and everything is where it should be Banging your head
glFusion - Technology Fused with Style - www.gllabs.org

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well, trin, I don't know what to tell you. If the path is good and the files are there, but the server still returns the fatal error, then it is beyond me.

Perhaps there is a difference in the cvs version of Geeklog that I'm not aware of, but I cant think of what that might be that would cause such an error when the path is good and the files exist in their proper places..

Have you tried running it on 1.3.11?
Anybody else have any ideas what would cause the path to fail?

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