Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, September 07 2024 @ 08:06 pm EDT

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101 errors


When I call any of geeklog's php files, heaps of errors are printed out (mostly undefined variables such as: Warning: Undefined variable: _USER in c:\apache\htdocs\geeklog\system\lib-sessions.php on line 168 Warning: Undefined variable: topic in c:\apache\htdocs\geeklog\language\english.php on line 283 Warning: Undefined variable: from in c:\apache\htdocs\geeklog\language\english.php on line 335 Warning: Undefined variable: fromemail in c:\apache\htdocs\geeklog\language\english.php on line 335 Thats just about 5% of total errors in index.php Can someone please tell me how I can fix this?

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Forum User
Registered: 12/17/01
Posts: 14
I can think of a 101 reasons to get 101 errors! :-) But lets start by filling in the gaps: -What version of PHP? -CGI or DSO build in apache? -Any custom PHP.INI settings? -Is error reporting set to most verbose level (aka annoying) -If a bus leave Chicago heading west at 40 mph...
You are all a bunch of freaks!

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