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Requesting help on creating a clean theme


Hi, I just want to create a theme that looks and acts similar to the Yahoo theme only without the bells and whistles. Eg one with no calendar, ways for users to 'publish', etc. I just want something that looks like www.snort.org and functions like it. I looked at the themes help link and didn't get very far after changing around the thtml files. Anywhere else I can get some docs?

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Registered: 02/26/02
Posts: 147
The menu's that you see in the header of the layout, above the blocks, is in fact in the header.thtml for each of the layouts. You can remove the html links, re-arrange them or change their names. This may effect the header look so you need to experiment. You can change the image, background color etc using this files. Each layout has it's own header.thtml. Copy one of the complete layout directories (say Xsilver) to another name. It will now appear as a new layout choice. Hack away at this one and you won't effect any original layouts until you have what you want. You may also look at the COM_siteHeader function in the lib-common.php file. This is where the header and menu is created using the defined template files. The function COM_showTopics in lib-custom.lib is used to build the main top right block. If you only have one topic or you want to insert your own links or HTML, this is the function that you will need to modify. Good luck... and have fun. GL is a great solution. Cheers, Blaine

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Registered: 02/20/02
Posts: 179
wow! that's some explaination you have! It's great, just wondering if anyone has done a wrtieup on how to edit the theme, i mean everything explained! Now that will be great! We'll then know which line/block/etc to edit to effect what changes...hoping...

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