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Getting rid of User Login Block


Hi, Me again, I would like to know, if there is a way of, not showing the login form, when an anonymous user connects to the web page, we will be making the users our self, as my boss wants to hold valuable info on there. So i would like to know, how to not show the "login here" block. Any ideas? Carl Pickering

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Location:Austin, TX
That's easy, but could present a problem. You can easily change the permissions on the "User Functions" block so that Anoymous users cannot read it. Poof! Gone! However, doing this would prevent you (and your boss) from ever being able to login. Now, you could possibly put the login form in a secret static page with full permissions (if v1.1) to which only you (and your boss) would know the URL and use that to login. Should work. Let us know if it does. :-) Regards, Lee
L. Whitworth


How about this... you put the block on another site entirely. Or even on a local machine, as long as the cookie will pass ok and as long as the url you're sending the login information to is valid it should work as though you had a login block even if you dont.... You can see the chatblock at darja.2y.net and gxblock.com that works with babylonchat for an example of how to use this. It has a setup that allows one GL site to have the block, but passes the information to the php code on my server that calls the Java code of babylonchat. I think that if you let your browser handle it, the cookie should come back just fine. Thier users information is passed from thier site (on a different server and different url) to the php file on my server and then handled and passed to babylonchat via html. It was an unexpected feature, but we made the most of it. So my suggestion is to find out where the login info goes, and the format of it. Then create a webform on your local machine accessable locally only, and let the browser pass the info for you and accept the cookie. Then, just remove the login block. I would do much testing before actually removing the block though.

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