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Emailing Articles


i have noticed that when you email an article to a friend, it dsireagrds all the html and images in the article! is there any way to include the html and images of the article in the email?? Tim

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Geeklog always sends emails in text format (the only exception is the "Mail Users" function from the Admin menu, where you can select HTML format as an option). My personal opinion is that HTML shouldn't be used in emails anyway. It only inflates the size, is unreadable if the recipient's mail application can't handle HTML and introduces all sorts of security and privacy issues. And, anyway, the email contains a link to the story on the site, so people can view it there in all it's glory. Isn't that what this feature is all about? To get more people to visit your site? bye, Dirk


ok after the rant! is there any way i could change it to send in html?

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Hehe, as I said, that was just my personal opinion :-)

Geeklog uses PHP's mail function to send email. So I suggest you look up that function in the PHP manual. It also contains examples on how to send HTML mails.

bye, Dirk



hehe :p right then, any ideas where i find the bit i need to change? i no what to do, just cant find the mail() please help Frown

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
profiles.php, function mailstory() bye, Dirk


whenever i add the code needed it throws out a parse error at line 198. im quite new to php so any help wud be nice. hehe. would it make a difference being mailstories() in the profiles.php and noted as mail() on the php website Tim

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