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another problem - images

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Registered: 09/12/02
Posts: 36
Hope it is the last one (for some time) I cannot upload images in the service. After choising image i put [image1] according to number of this image and... afer saving 1. there is plain text [image1] instead of picture 2. warning appears "you did't use an image you choised" What am I doing bad?? (of course all formating text is with html allowed) Joanna

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It's possible that your hosting service does not allow uploading of files. Does uploading a user photo work for you? bye, Dirk

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Joasiu have you changed the permissions on /images dir? Maybe this is the case.
Geeklog Polish Support Team

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yes it does Joanna

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Registered: 09/12/02
Posts: 36
I set permissions for 777 for images/articles the pictures are uploading to this catalogue but still after saving there is : Pojawily sie nastepujace bledy podczas próby zapisu tego artykulu. zdjecie #1, 20020919133301401_1.jpg, nie zostalo uzyte. Musisz umiescic ten obrazek we wstepiepie lub w głównej części artykułu and artice looks like: slALKJLAJLJLKDJSLAKJLSAD[image1] probably I,m doing something wrong - something very stupid... but I don't know what can it be Joanna

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If you have Polish language set as default try to write [zdjêcieX] instead of [imageX]. Works for me. Cze¶æ. Niestety nie dosta³em od ciebie ¿adnego maila a na mojego jeszcze nie odpisa³a¶. Pozdrawiam. Robert
Geeklog Polish Support Team

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Registered: 09/12/02
Posts: 36
It works dziala!!! thanks a lot Smile) PS. Wyslalam Ci list

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