Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, December 27 2024 @ 06:19 am EST

Geeklog Forums

Looking for help


Hey Gang, I'm new to the geeklog scene. I love the way it's setup. Here's my deal. I own a site, www.tastethemusic.com ....as you can see, it lacks the chewy goodness that sites should have. I'm novice, at best. Infact, that's an insult to novices. I'm looking for someone to help (by that, I mean, do most of the work) me setup geeklog on my site. For those who are looking to add to their resume's, this is a perfect scenario. I'm giving carblanche in the way of creative design of the site...as long as it's got the feeling of a rock n roll site. I'm a writer, not a webdesigner. If ANYONE wants to help a guy out, please please email me. dennisdubay2002@aol.com Dennis

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Registered: 02/20/02
Posts: 179


You must be a linux user to respond to someone who is looking for help to respond RTFM. It's apparent the guy doesn't feel capable of doing it himself, which is why he's ASKING FOR HELP. Hard to comprehend, I know. There really is no point in just typing RTFM, other than to show that you can. It's people like you give geeks a bad name. Have a nice day.


A sharp tongue does not mean you have a keen mind.

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