Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, December 26 2024 @ 03:37 pm EST

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Unable for fork....

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Registered: 08/20/02
Posts: 27
I just recently started getting errors from my database backup within Geeklog. The error is Unable to fork... what the heck is a fork? I've searched the MySQL pages and can't find any info related to this. I've checked PHP.net and found pcntl_fork but I don't find anything in database.php that calls that command. Can anybody help? Warning: Unable to fork [G:\mysql\bin\mysqldump.exe -hlocalhost -uroot Huggybeer > G:/WebSites/Huggybeer3/backups/geeklog_db_backup_2002_11_01.sql] in G:\WebSites\Huggybeer3\public_html\admin\database.php on line 71
Paul 'T1Pimp'
http://www.Huggybeer.com - Geek news with attitude


In UNIX there is a system call called fork. What it does is duplicate the current process and create a child process that is identical to the parent except for the return value of the fork() call. For the parent fork() returns the child's PID (process ID), for the child it is 0.


G:/WebSites/Huggybeer3/backups/geeklog_db_backup_2002_11_01.sql] in G:WebSitesHuggybeer3public_htmladmindatabase.php on line 71
It looks as though maybe your paths are rooted improperly using / instead of as seen in the error message. Make sure your paths are typed properly in the mysqldump path. I used to have GL installed on Winxp using Apache/Mysql/Php and had no problems with any "forking" function with mysqldump.

Sorry for the pun Smile --Ted(Ectropian_


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