Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, December 21 2024 @ 08:16 pm EST

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Including files that change.


Hi, Is it possible to include the content of a file inside a story? I would like to have the content of an every 3hours changing file inside my geeklog site, especially with all the fancy layout of a story. The content of the file is nothing more than a html table. I have messed for quite a while with both the staticpages plugin and the story importer.. Both couldnt do this for me. Am i doing something wrong or is this not possible yet? Im running gl v1.3.6 with staticpages v1.2. Basicly any solution would be alright as long as i can display it in the middle of the site with both left and right blocks enabled. (i have even thought about writing the content of the file directly into the gl database.. ). Any help or points into the right direction would be mucho apreciated. /g

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Since you already have Static Pages 1.2 installed, have you tried using some PHP in a static page to read from that file? bye, Dirk


i tried: <?php include('filename.html'); ?> and it showed me nothing :<

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany

Please read this story on Tom's Site and then try again ...

bye, Dirk



So in other words, what i want(including filecontent in a story) is not possible. At least not with my current gl setup. Frown Guido.

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You give up too easy. How about using a static page with php enabled and putting the following in it: $display = implode('',file('/path/to/your/file')); return $display; Or you could create a seperate file that had this in it: <?php require_once('lib-common.php'); $display = COM_siteHeader('menu'); // use 'none' if you do not want the left blocks $display = COM_startBlock("Some fancy Title"Wink; $display = implode('',file('/path/to/your/file')); $display = COM_endBlock(); $display .= COM_siteFooter(yes); // use no if you do not want the right blocks echo $display; ?> Tom

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