Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, December 21 2024 @ 09:50 am EST
Geeklog Forums
Themes -- blockheader.thtml
Here is something that may not be a bug, but if it were changed could be a great help...
In blockheader.thtml all themes end with a <td> tag, this tag has various params depending on the theme, but if you were to add valign='top' to this line it would help ensure alignment.
This find came about due to bugs in an addon i am working on, it is SOAP based and I sometimes due to transmission errors, the data only partially returned leaving the page looking like hell...
Once I added the valign="top" to the blockheader.thtml files (for every theme on my site) this presentation problem disappeared.
While I know that GL should not have to compensate for programming issues/problems, this tweak will not hurt anything, while helps smooth over errors with Webservices...
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