Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, January 11 2025 @ 01:45 pm EST

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2fold problems, page title and story boxes


OK i have 2 questions, a problem and an idea. 1: Ive changed my page details, title etc in config.php and it still shows as the old one. www.pincu.com , is there anywhere else i should change the page title slogan etc. and 2: Is there a way to randomise the story blocks. Basically I want to make 4 or 5 different style themese for only the story blocks and have them randomly assigned. So a single page of stories youd have a range of coulured boxes instead of one style. Or even have it selectable when you make the article.

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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Unless you hard-coded them in header.thtml, the site name and site slogan are always taken from the config file. Make sure you changed the correct copy of your config.php file (and uploaded it). Also, it's possible that your browser cached the page - try a reload. When I go to your site, the title is "TDN: Total Distraction Network" and the slogan is "Reviewing and rating everything you know". Your idea about randomly changing the story blocks would require some hacking of COM_article() (in lib-common.php), but it's certainly possible to do that. bye, Dirk


Thanks for that dirk. It seems my server is caching it. I think its cool that you answer so many questions to help people out. Usually without thanks. So hats off to you Wink

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