Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, December 23 2024 @ 03:26 pm EST

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Launch new browser window

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Is there any way that I can do a target="_blank" on one of the menu items in the top nav bar?



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so how is it done then.


Oh, you want to know HOW to do it. On some themes, the top nav bar is listed out as separate links. If your theme is like that, then you'll modify the links in the header.thtml file. For example, this is the site stats link in the XSilver theme: <a href="{site_url}/stats.php" inmouseover="filter('d703','d854')" inmouseout="filter('d703','d290')"> <img border="0" src="{layout_url}/images/stats.gif" name="d703" width="125" height="22" alt=""></a> To make it open in another window, you insert target="_blank" like this: <a href="{site_url}/stats.php" inmouseover="filter('d703','d854')" inmouseout="filter('d703','d290')" target="_blank"> <img border="0" src="{layout_url}/images/stats.gif" name="d703" width="125" height="22" alt=""></a> You can modify whichever links you want opened in a separate window the same way. If your theme uses {menu_elements} or {plg_menu_elements}, you can't be selective on which ones to open in another window. It's all or none. In this case, you would insert target="_blank" in the <a> tag located in the menu.thtml and menuitem_last.thtml files. If you want some but not all to open in another window, then you'll have to list each link out separately in the header.thtml file.

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Registered: 01/06/03
Posts: 96
Thanks for the help. I just created a new template (menuitem_launch.thml) where it launches another browser, added the reference to the lib_common and then added the item to the menu in lib_common. Worked great.


Yes, that'll work too.

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