Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 04:32 am EST

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Well, let's see. I saw a friend with geeklog and I had to have it. So now.....that I've gotten it installed....I want to create my own little theme. Only problem is...this is easier said than done. Anyways.. if there are any theme gods out there..I was wondering if I had any chance in shoehorning geeklog to fit my needs. http://www.platinumdynasty.net/main.html is it possible?? how much work would it take... and yes..I want it to fit into that layout. Thanks

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So what exactly is your problem? Did you read the theme howto yet?

bye, Dirk


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Registered: 01/24/03
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The closest theme I see your current layout fitting into is the XSilver theme... Go into your public geeklog folder, go to layout, find xsilver and make an immediate copy backup of it... Now go inside it and navigate your way to the images folder... Clear as day you should now chop up your graphics to fit the height and length of the current make up model... To get the "0" margin width for your top navigation and logo you should look into the XSilver themes main folder... Find the file header.thtml and manipulate it the way you want it... I hope this helps... I been to your site and its got a nice theme... perhaps you can share it with the rest of us Smile---Victor B. Gonzalez
Victor B. Gonzalez -


Yes I have read it..and so far.....things are slowly trickling out.. anyways..I'm still having a little of a problem with the style sheet..I don't know if I've changed soemthing interally so that it won't work...or what.. I'm still tryin' to figure it out. http://www.platinumdynasty.net/index.php---"Yep Yep...I'm the bulgod."


everything is possible , geeklog theme editing isnt that hard even for non-coders, just change some values in the css / +thml files(with arachnophilia or other code editor), and check ur results on line http://www.smartartmovement.org/SAM/public_html

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