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Creating 'sortable' Static Page?


I am new to the world of PHP and MYSQL so bare with me if (A) This is impossible or (Cool Blatantly easy. My goal is to create a master index of links with in my site sortable by a field. I have no problems creating an extra table to hold these values but how would I populate a static page with the results and allow sorting? If this doesn't make sense, what I am trying to do is similar to that where are review sites you can sort by title or date or price or $$$. I want to give my users this ability so they can quickly find what they are looking for. Thanks!


Do you mean like this?


Yes-Yes-Yes! That's it?? Can you help out a guy?


Actually, yes, I have seen that page by Tom at the pig stye. My question is can you limit what topics it indexes? I would only 4 or 5 of my topics indexed.


He took Tom W's site index script and added a little code to make the columns sortable. He described what he changed here If the changes are above your head, you can probably just write to him (at jerry@hoboes.com)and ask for a copy of the code.


Yes, just add a condition to the SQL queries in the script to only select whatever topics you want.


Hmm, but I notice in Tom's original page, at least the version I have that the column headers are not clicable, thus they aren't sortable?


Right. Another guy was the one who added some code to make the columns clickable and sortable. Tom didn't added this feature to his. Many of these developers don't unless the code is written by them or their close buddies.


Yea, I found the modded code but it looks like the guy modded it even further and added some cool horizontal lines on the topic sort. Trying to hunt him down now to see how he did it. I think it's a slick script when it's all put together.

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Just to clear some confusion. When I first made the page I had the columns sortable, but I noticed that this made the google bot somewhat confused and he kept on getting the same page with different sorts. Since I made this page for the google bot, I simplified it by removing the sorting headers. My page is not really meant for human consumption. One of the beauties of the open source way of doing things is that people with different needs can take a piece of code and modify it for their needs. I did not just fail to include the sortable code option, because the submitter was not my friend, but I did it because it did not fit my purpose. If I was making an index for human comsumption, It would include not only sortable headers, but also filters and search. See my Contact plugin for an example of what I mean. TomW



I just made the PHP source for my variation of the siteindex page available as a gzip. I placed it in a quick article at Cerebus the Pope.

I also added the left menu that you wanted.


"Give a man a fish, and you've fed him for a day. Teach him to fish, and you've depleted the lake."--It Isn't Murder If They're Yankees



Thanks Jerry! This is awesome..

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